Sunday, July 18, 2010

"It's a Sad Thing"

I Just might be back in the good graces of my six wonderful grandchildren......

For the past couple of weeks or so, I have been in some deep trouble with four guys and two little girls.

Why?  Because I have not been to the grocery store in about a month....SO VERY UNUSUAL FOR SHUG!!

The snack drawer was Empty...  No kidding....
I guess I knew that we were going to be gone, and since five of the six grandkids were in baseball playoffs, I decided not to buy groceries until we got home...

We had grandchildren playing ball in Whitehouse, one in Bullard, one in Chandler, one in Henderson and one in Athens....
No way they would have time to stop by Shug's house to eat....I figured they would be so busy playing ball and eating hot dogs, nachos and drinking soda's, that there was no need for me to stock the snack drawer...

Boy, was I wrong....Carson came by yesterday and his comment was "This is a sad thing, Shug has NO snacks in the snack drawer"

Well Carson...look at it now!

Plus, check out the refrigerator............
And......How about the freezer.....

Oh Yes....the perfect foods for all the little rascals.

How long will this last, one might would ask?

About Four days!

And this is not even the REAL know, food like fish sticks, cream potatoes, meat loaf, chicken fried chicken and good ol' chicken fried steak with gravy and homemade rolls.

They can really eat, and what better place to eat than Shug's house. 

I'm going to try to do better.  Even Mylee Jo was hungry yesterday and all I could find to give her as a quick snack was a banana with some black spots on it.  I won't even eat that!!

Shame on Shug.....Shame on Pop's....

Guess we had better get back to cooking instead of running around having fun...

We have grandchildren that need their snacks and need Shug's kitchen to be open again!!


Praise God today for all of His goodness....
Praise Him for the things we take for granted, like having food on the table...HE is GOD and He deserves all our Praises!!

1 comment:

  1. Alright--I need an exact address and driving directions becasue I need to ge into that snack drawer! Don't even get me going on the frig.
    Sorry about the email boobooo we'll get this straightened out.
    Come by Dreaming we are having a party!



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