Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Toesy Woesy

This may sound a little crazy and some could think I have lost my ever loving mind, but enough is enough.  When something brings tears to your eyes and it happens twice in one week, then it is time to let your mind have the floor!

Sam says that I am a Very deep thinker.  I say he is a guy and doesn't have the ability to think as deep as me........

Back to the subject which is my little did read that right, my toe!  Such a small thing and I'm not even sure what it's purpose is.  The only possible purpose that I have seen or experienced with the thing is that it continues to make me Cry.  Yes, cry!

It's not just one of them, but both of my little toes try to Cling to whatever I walk by.  Coffee table, chairs, doors, you name it and these little fellows are out there grabbing....
In other words, I Stump them all the time and it's time for some action to take place.  I don't want to give you the wrong picture her.  My toes are normal looking toes and they don't stick out enough to be causing this problem. I do believe I could still walk without them and I would be in a lot less pain.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not fixing to have them Removed because that would be so painful and look a little odd, but I have considered Duct Tape. After all duct tape comes in all colors now.   I know, I know that I just need to start wearing shoes to protect the little babies but I am a barefoot kind of person.

I am almost positive that I am not the only person that this has happened to and all of you out there can not tell me that you have not wanted to cry when you stumped your little
Toesy Woesy.  So see, I am normal and this topic is not crazy.  I wouldn't even call it deep thinking, it's more like talking about the humor of life that sometimes makes us Cry!

Any comments?  leave them for me at the bottom of this post were it says Comment.

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