Saturday, March 6, 2010

Who Needs it Anyways

Not much time to blog the past couple of days..
Have spent two whole days at the hospital.  Tucker's appendix decided it wanted to act ugly, so it was time to get rid of the thing.  Who needs it anyways??

Yesterday, I stayed in the ER helping Trista withTuck...He was hurting so bad and very sick at his stomach.  The night before he was up all night long.  Since there is a stomach bug going around at school, one would automatically think it was that.
After a long day of blood test and much waiting, a CAT SCAN was ordered.  The outcome was that he needed an appendectomy.
Since he has been a cancer patient and he still has his port, The doctors decided that he needed to go to Children's in Dallas for the operation. 

Tucker was care flighted immediately and Trista was able to ride with him in the helicopter.   The doctor had given him pain medication just prior to take off so Tuck was able to somewhat be excited about the ride.  They took him in for the surgery around 8:00 pm and when Sam and I left the hospital last night around 10:30, he was resting peacefully. 

Drove back to Dallas this morning and waited most of the day for him to be released.  Finally got home this evening around 7:00.
One good thing is that Tucker was already scheduled for surgery on Monday to have his port taken out and it worked out for them to not only remove the appendix, but the port also.  PTL

Tucker is very, very sore but I am so thankful that the surgery went well considering that some of his platlets and blood counts are a little low.  Spring Break is this next week, so what a Blessing that he will have this time to recoup!

Think I will spend some time tomorrow resting and I hope that Tucker, Trista and the rest of the family will be able to do the same. 

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