Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sunshine in the Soul

Today will most likely be like a whirlwind day around here, with a very busy Saturday on my calendar.  Although we have rain today, I have to focus on keeping sunshine in my soul. 

Granddaughter (Sugar-baby) is home this weekend, and I am so looking forward to a few of her big hugs!!  With her being home, this will definitely fill my heart with sunshine.
I'm so excited about attending the wedding shower for Carson and Emily today. Friends and family will be gathering to Bless this beautiful couple.  This will be another big surge of sunshine for my soul. 

I know that no matter how busy the day gets, we can't forget to let a our "light" shine for others to see!!  So.....may sunshine fill our souls today, so the SON-shine may be seen .  
When Christ's light fills our hearts, it is sure to overflow into our words and our actions.
Blessings to All.  

Happy Saturday Dear Friends.  



  1. I woke up to sunshine, and will be making sure to add some Sonshine to my day!

  2. Sonshine always fills my soul. Have a blessed day.

  3. Your Sonshine always shows here on your blog and I know it will at the shower.. enjoy the shower and Sugar Baby. makes me think, my first dog was named Sticky Baby, all about syrup. ha ha

  4. It sounds like a busy day, but filled with fun and love! Enjoy that time with your sweet granddaughter!

  5. Yes, there'll be SonShine in our souls today.
    Enjoy your busy but joyful day. Have fun with friends and family and gather those hugs.

  6. You are having such a fun weekend!!! Hope you post photos at some point.

  7. A lovely post and may the Son-Shine so brightly in us
    that others will get a blessed tan :)

  8. Keep spreading that Son-Shine all around, Shug. Blessings!

  9. Thank you for spreading SONshine all over the place... and put on my happy face!

  10. :) Saturday and Sunday blessings to you!

  11. Sounds like you had a wonderful day planned.


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Sunshine in the Soul

Today will most likely be like a whirlwind day around here, with a very busy Saturday on my calendar.  Although we have rain today, I have t...