Saturday, October 19, 2024

FULL moon Friday

 My day on Friday was almost a non-stop day.  After having a nice hot cup of coffee and reading my devotion, I soon was off and running.  

Making our bed is always a first for me!  Then I headed into the kitchen.  Since I did so much cooking on Thursday, I decided that my gas top range could use a good cleaning.  Then I moved to the rest of the things that I had neglected this past week.

You all might remember about a month ago, I cleaned out the storage building and had everything on a trailer......waiting on the time that I could sort through everything.  Well....yesterday was the day!

I took the tarp half way off and began working, sorting through one box at a time.  Many of the containers were full of Christmas decorations that I haven't used in several years. 

Around 10:30 am, Sam came home and was surprised to see that I had been working all morning, trying to get as much done as I could.  I needed his help to move a large frame, so that I could get to a few more boxes. 

Just as he lifted it up, I saw something move and it scared the poo doo out of me.  With a closer look, I realized it was an OPossum.  I'm surprised that none of you heard me screaming.  

It gradually moved off of the trailer, and went into the neighbors yard.  I think it stayed there the rest of the day.    I kept smelling this terrible smell, kinda like something was dead.  Sure I pulled the tarp back further, I saw a dead squirrel.  WHAT?  Why was a dead squirrel on the trailer?  

Sam to the rescue!!  He removed the dead squirrel for me.  I went back to work, and finally emptied the trailer.  Woo Hoo!!  

Out in the middle of our driveway is a huge pile of junk.  Just so happened that my yard guy came yesterday, and he is coming back this morning to load up all the stuff that I didn't want.  Awesome! 

                         Junk to be hauled off

After completing the task of emptying the trailer, I moved a chair near the garage, under the big pecan tree, and just sat there for about 45 minutes.  While I was sitting there, I kept hearing a bird, not singing, just chirping over and over again.  

I soon realized that I was in its way!  Evidently this little birdie has a nest just inside the garage.  

It was so nice sitting there under the big tree.

The weather was perfect!


Gorgeous Moon last night.
and yes....this is a cemetery. 
Sam and I were actually parked in the church parking lot.  As you can see, this cemetery is located on the Church grounds.
The location was a perfect place for us to look for the comet A3.  This comet has been visible in our area for the past week or so.  
We were not able to see the comet, but as I turned to the East, the moon was so orange and so bright.  It was totally Beautiful.  

"No comet did we see, but when I turned around,  the most gorgeous moon was looking a me!"

I'll leave you all with this.....

Happy Saturday.



  1. Wow! You accomplished a lot - critters and all!

  2. In da fall - cute. You had done a day's work by 10:30. Nice you had help. I think I heard you scream. teehee And a dead squirrel. You had a day for sure. That was a lot of stuff you got rid of!

  3. What a story! I researched if possums catch and kill squirrels, but it would be a rare thing if they did. I'm thinking something much larger caught the squirrel and hid it to eat later? Hurrah for your superman, Sam!

  4. What a fright! Shortly after we moved here Tom discovered a baby opossum in a trash can his shop ... no sign of mama. City Girl here first thought it was rat, lol. We relocated him(her?) to the adjoining field and I've since learned they're good to have around for pest control. Who knew?!
    That moon rise is beautiful. Better than any ole comet, I'd think.

  5. You're coming here to clean out the cargo trailer, rightttttttttt? (lolololol)
    --you know, those creatures would have scared me too, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful rest of the day.

  6. Believe it or not this is the second opossum blog post I have read today!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

FULL moon Friday

  My day on Friday was almost a non-stop day.  After having a nice hot cup of coffee and reading my devotion, I soon was off and running.   ...