Sunday, October 20, 2024

Pumpkin Carving


Pumpkin Carving is a fun tradition that creates family bonding, creativity, and just a touch of spooky fun.  For Sam and I, this tradition becomes even more special when shared with our kids and grandchildren.  

Earlier in the day, we took a walk to the pumpkin patch just up the road from our house.  We enjoyed the crisp fall air which really seemed to set the tone for a perfect day.   We  watched, not only the little ones, but our big kids too, as they dashed SO excitedly through the rows of pumpkins.  They had a big race going see who got to the BEST pumpkin first.   Their laughter echoed through the air,  with the sweetest and most exciting giggles and grunts.    

 Many of the Large pumpkins were rolled  through the hay covered trails, because the pumpkins were too big for their tiny hands to carry them.     It was so much fun watching them try to maneuver the big orange pumpkins around, without breaking the stems!  After all....the stem is pretty important! 🤣 👻  

They were definitely on a mission to find the LARGEST pumpkin they could roll--or at least try to roll!    

The pumpkin patch is sponsored by our local Methodist Church, which was having this as a fund raiser.  We needed at least 6 pumpkins, one for each of them.  The larger ones were $20.00 each and the medium ones ran about $10-13 dollars each.  

We ended up buying two of the Bigger ones from the church, and then went to Brookshires (Our local grocery store) to purchase the others.  The same size medium pumpkins at the grocery store were $4.99 each.  We were able to make a donation to the church, and save some money on the other 4 pumpkins.

It was a fun and joyful sight, watching their determination and excitement as they navigated the patch, searching for the perfect pumpkin to take home!  

Then came the Pumpkin Carving!!

The little ones are saving their pumpkin carving until Halloween, but these 4 bigger kiddos couldn't wait.  

Each of them worked and worked, emptying their pumpkins of the stringy goo and the big ol' seeds.  LOL...they quickly learned that the bigger the pumpkin, the more guts that have to be cleaned out.  


They did good!!

Here is a hint of a sneak peek of my post tomorrow..
the Costume Reveal 🎃



  1. They did wonderfully! That little one on the left looks like it might have been done on a laser ... wow.
    Looking forward to the big reveal!

    1. The little one was done with a picture that you roll onto the pumpkin and it leaves the picture. Emma did a great job of carving it out. thank you.

  2. How adorable your grandkiddos are. I love their concentration on carving the pumpkins.
    That's a great way to make a donation and then save a bit at the grocery store. I do miss the days of sons and carving pumpkins. Great memories though.

    1. Thank you so much..... These are great memories that I know we will share for years to come.

  3. What a fun family event! You're making memories. :)
    And they did great at the carving.

    1. Thank you Mari. It was so much fun watching them carve their pumpkins, and seeing how creative each one was

  4. They did a great job with the carving, Shug! I'm looking forward to your upcoming costume reveal, too. Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Thank you Martha....I'm looking forward to posting our costumes tomorrow.

  5. What a fun day at the Pumpkin Patch! They carved some great faces!

    1. Thank you...they had a fun evening carving the pumpkins

  6. You really know how to do a blog up well - so creative. They did a nice job with the carving - will they keep until Halloween? Great memories - the Methodist Church is noted for pumpkin sales. I love how you made memories with your family - how I miss those days.

    1. These kids love doing things like this. They had a great time...and your are right...I know of at least 3 Methodist churches in our area that are having pumpkin sells.

  7. First of all, your space here looks amazing! And then, the pumpkin patch! What wonderful pictures of a beautiful day. The finished ones are awesome! Thank you for sharing with us. Think of the memories you made, my friend!

    1. Thank you Billie Jo... they did all the carving at my youngest daughter's hime. They have a nice home with a good bit of land. it is beautiful out at their place.

  8. They did really good! And the one on the left looks so detailed and professional!! Great photos of the pumpkin finding that spell JOY!

    1. that particular pumpkin was done by Mylee's best friend. she had a transfer that that puts the picture on the pumpkin and then she carved it. She did a great job.

  9. P.S. I love the falling leaves video and leaf gnome on your sidebar!

    1. thank you Ginny....I just hope I don't forget to remove it when December gets here. lol 🤣

  10. They had a really great evening with their pumpkin carving.

  11. Since there are no children in our lives and ours are adults, we no longer carve pumpkins. 🎃 I like them in their natural state and by doing so, the pumpkins last well into the new year provided we don’t have a heatwave. I did offer up to our adult children if they wanted to get together for a pumpkin carving evening and they said maybe next year! Hmm, seems I heard that last year!

  12. Oh Shug. That's an adorable post. What fun everyone had! Love your header and new photo of you, too! Thanks for sharing. Susan from Writing Straight from the Heart.

  13. What a wonderful time at the pumpkin patch! The carved pumpkins look so creative all lit up. We used to have a pumpkin carving contest every year when the kids were growing up, and it was so much fun for them. Look at that HUGE pumpkin! The picture of the little one rolling the pumpkin is delightful, love that one. That is such a bright and cheerful table cloth for the pumpkin carving. And that smiley one is soooo cute.



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