Friday, February 20, 2015

No Matter How Small.....

I'm gonna to fess up!  I have been busy this week!!  

I haven't even had time to touch the "ON" button of my, NO cookies went out to others.

I did not have the time to make phone calls or to tell someone I was thinking of them.

Like my story last week....I never found the time to reach inside my purse for a few coins to help someone in need.

Makes me sad that I've been so consumed with the needs around me, that I put my RAK by the wayside....

What I did do was spend hours at the Nursing home with my dad.  As most of you know, my dad has Alzheimer's, and this has been a most difficult week for him.   

There was one day, when I sat with him for an extended length of time.  Can I tell you that I found myself being Blessed by just sitting there and watching the behaviors of each man who is a resident there with my dad.

These patients may not be able to understand what we have to say.. and, they may speak words that none of us can understand...but when it comes to their precious smiles...This is a language that we all can understand.

One guy just loves to wave... (like ever few minutes)  When I wave back at him...his face lights up with such a beautiful smile.

Another guy wanted to know if I knew anything about INSANITY.  I wanted to tell him that he could take a good look at me and he could quickly figure out this "insanity thing"   BUT...I just held his hand and said: "Lets talk about how handsome your are."  He didn't know anything about insanity, but he did know what handsome meant.   The reason I because he smiled from ear to ear and brushed his hair back.

You know...I could sense that my dad felt safe with me being there.  He held my hands and he talked and talked about the big ol'  farm that he grew up on.  And then, he would talk about things that he and his brother did (yesterday)....Of course, his brother passed away years ago.  

  Each day this week, as I walked out of the Nursing Home...I thanked God for all the warmth that I felt, coming from those who will never know, that THEY have made a difference in my life! dad has been admitted to the Hospital...I would certainly appreciate your prayers for him.

We must NOT dwell on the disease... We need only to value the moments, the pearls of wisdom, their smile and their humor.

May each of you be Blessed....

Shug !


  1. Such a beautiful post, this brings tears. God Bless.

  2. Shug, that's a lovely post, so sorry for your dad!!!
    Thanks for sharing and happy to meet you.

  3. Shug . . . I found this so moving.
    You have a way with words and you have got one of the biggest hearts I have met for as long, long while. All those things you did for those guys in the nursing home, including your dear father, were so kind and meant so much to them . . and you went EVERY day this week. Wonderful.
    I know it is a great thing to do to visit elderly people and be kind to them . . . my dear departed wife used to work in one and they all loved her.
    I will pray for your father ~ Eddie . . :)

  4. My last comment had my wrong email address.
    This should link to my blog.
    I have just signed as your follower ~ Eddie . . :)

  5. Been there, done that with my mom many years back now. Probably the hardest thing I've ever been through in my life. It also stands out now as one of the times God used to grow me and teach me just what He was capable of. We often see God most after the fact, and this is one of those times. I can't tell you how often I shook my fist at Him, and He answered through my Mom's illness. Often through her sense in the confusion.
    A Blessing: What you are to your dad, and those around you in that place, as you've related your experience with some of those there. They must be so lonely and starved for attention. I'm so thankful God sends someone like you as a comfort to them while you spend this time with your dad. You must have had a wonderful dad to grow up into such a loving compassionate person. I only remember being angry right before He broke me.
    Praying for you during this difficult time, and cling to the things God will do on this journey.

  6. A fine picture today, but the heart of the post was of your description of visiting your Dad. May God bless at this difficult time.

  7. A very touching narrative.
    Many prayers for your Dad and you.

  8. You can see from all the comments, Shrug, that what you did not consider a RAK the rest of us were moved to dears with your selfless, loving, kindness to your father. You are in inspiration. Love and Hugs to you, dear friend.

  9. Such a horrible disease. I have a dear uncle I visit regularly who is afflcted too, and all we can do is love them. Your dad is in my prayers.

  10. Well, I think this is a wonderful RAK! Time is more precious than cookies, let me tell you! Praying for your dad.
    Thanks for joining in, and thanks too for giving those other men a little time and a smile. Just super!

  11. I started to write a comment but had to stop because the tears were just flowing down my cheeks.
    ~deep breath~

    Ok... you got me. The tears were for you, your dad and all & every person in a facility. Lonely and scared are not what I want for anyone.
    My dad could have been one of those men. But he died 8 years ago.
    Blessings to you! What you did was so much more then you may know.

  12. I am certain that your visits to that nursing home brighten each ones day.Sadly,so many of these people don't have a loving family me,mer to hold their hand or chat with them. God bless you for the joy you bring to others.

  13. Beautiful Shug. Sending good thoughts your way for your dear dad and for you too. He is lucky to have you, and you are lucky to have him in your life as well!

  14. Shug, sending prayers up for you and your dad. So sad to see them in that condition, but there are so many wonderful ways to deal with it. Bless you for going there to be with him. Hope he will get to return to the nursing home soon.

  15. Oh no, I am so sorry. I hope he gets discharged very soon. And I have a feeling you are very healing for him. God bless you both.

  16. {hugs} Shug and certainly prayers on your dads behalf as well as you too!
    May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

  17. Prayers for you and your dad. Think of the joy you passed around that day :)

  18. Holding hands and a smile is enough to warm ones heart. I think it's a special thing you did for these gentlemen. It brought tears to my eyes. I'll pray for your dad.

  19. I will pray for your dad and for you, too. I know how hard it is to see your dad this way as mine suffered with dementia, too, in his last couple of years. Your dad is a lucky man to have such a loving daughter like you. Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Your kindness is not random... it is concerted and intentional. More valuable than rubies... You and your Dad will be in my prayers, Shug. blessings ~ tanna

  21. Prayers for your Dad--wishing the best for him.

    Great post.

    Take care of yourself as you take care of your Dad.

    M :)

  22. I just had to comment on this post.. You are such an incredible daughter --and what you did for your Daddy (and others in the nursing home) was much more important than phone calls and cookies...

    God Bless Your Sweet Dad and YOU.... I know it is hard for you.

    Hope he can get the attention he needs at the hospital... Keep us posted.


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