Sunday, May 5, 2024

Special Olympics

Special Olympics Basketball Game....

If only these special olympics men and women could understand that THEY are a Blessing to so many people.  

This was "The GAME" in which the BVT eagles spent many hours preparing for.  
A chance to beat one of our local private schools in a game of Basketball.

This Private school just happens to be the one that our granddaughter (Mylee) attends.
And......My niece happens to be a resident of this special needs home.

The gym was totally packed, with standing room only, as the game began.

this is my niece, as she went down court with her team in hopes of scoring a goal.

I so admire the administration of this private school, for hosting this special olympics game each year for these mildly to moderate disabled adults.  

This school is a Christian school.  I cannot say enough about how wonderful this school is. A huge part of their mission is to teach their students, to make an impact toward helping others, for the glory of God.  

Not only do they host this special event for BVT, but they have several projects throughout the year, where they spend time with the residents. 

Mylee and Tammy prior to the game.

After the game!!  The BVT eagles beat Mylee's team by almost 15 points.  

Tammy had her own little support team. 
Her aunt, her cousin, and standing with Tammy, is Bryan.......another player for the eagles.  

Tammy with her sister and brother-in-law. 

These special needs athletes put their heart and soul into the game.  They give their ALL to not only the game, but to each and every practice.  These players take pride in the smallest accomplishments and they cherish the moments of having their loved ones there to cheer them on.  

There is definitely an unwritten, heartfelt bond between the BVT eagles and the BH Guard. 

This was a fabulous day.....filled with so much Love.





  1. What a wonderful thing to do!! The school is awesome! And great photos showing all the joy as well.

  2. What a wonderful day of basketball! How fun that both of your loved ones are on the teams. They all look so happy for the win! Love those bright orange uniforms. : )


  3. What an awesome day for you and all the teams!

  4. This is so beautiful! It blesses my heart!

  5. Hi Shug... goodness me, I know I commented on this post and the past posts, not sure why they are not showing up. Just wanted say, thank you for sharing such a GOOD story.
    Love, Carla


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...