Monday, September 23, 2013

Purple Glitter and Lots of Junk.......

I do a whole lot of talking about how we all need to make better choices in life..... I must admit that my index finger is pointed right back at me as well.  As a matter of fact, my finger is so close to my face, that I look a tad bit like Pinocchio, right about now.

Small things count here as well.  Like, for example.....the color of nail polish that we wear.  I don't have this figured out yet, but it certainly seems that when I get myself a pedicure....I always seem to choose the wrong datgum color.  Why? Just me I suppose.  

On this particular visit,  I look down at my feet and then I look back up at the huge display of nail colors.  I glance back down at my perfectly formed piggies, and suddenly....I can just see it.......(The gorgeous color of purple glitter, which I recently saw in a teenage fashion magazine).....Instantly, I know that I have chosen the crowning color for my toes!!

Now, here is where that word "CHOICE" becomes a big deal.   First of all.....purple glitter is not as fun as I thought it was going to be.  Second of all.....There's not a single outfit in my closet that would in any way look good with PG nail polish!!  Did I make a good choice?   I think not!  (BUT IT WAS FUN)

If you're still reading, let me present to you another "CHOICE" scenario.  MY PURSE!!!   Choosing just the Right purse is very time consuming for me.  It has to look right, it has to feel right and the price has to be right.

After making a decision about a purse that I'm extremely excited about.......It's now time for another super important choice!   WHAT AM I GOING TO PUT IN THIS PURSE OF MINE?

If the rest of you are anything like me, then you know that a woman has to be prepared for all kinds of things.  There are all of the necessities that you need such as a wallet for DL and of course money, and then there are all the other kinds of things that normally hang out in the medicine cabinet.   Things like.....Band aids, Q-tips, Chap Stick, Allergy Pills, Neosporin, and so forth.  And then you have things like nail files, bobby pins, make-up, paper clips, pens and a notepad, safety pins, extra keys, mints, gum, READING GLASSES,......AND my PHONE!

But then...... I have JUNK too...LOTS OF JUNK!  I am known as the Queen of receipts.  I never throw a receipt away!  Makes me madder than a stripped spider if I need to return an item to a store and the very first thing they say is: "This may have gone on sale since your purchase, if so....we can't refund the entire amount, unless you have your receipt."   NOT HAPPENING HERE!!  You can bet, I'm gonna have the receipt!

(Of course, the last time I took something back, I presented the manager with my receipt, and he said:  "Mam...this is a Target receipt!   You are at Macy's!")   Senior moment for me, I suppose!

 I actually believe that there must be some kind of hidden magnet stuffed in the lining of my purse that attracts all kinds of  objects.   Shoot....there is no way that all this stuff could all belong to me.  I do believe that ever once in a while,  items that must belong to other good folks, somehow jump into my bag.  My JUNK is probably inviting everyone Else's junk to come to the party!  Treats are the main ingredient for any party and my purse always has treats in it!!

At the end of any given week, my purse is so jammed with all kinds of garbage and yet....I just keep on cramming it in.   I can choose to keep pushing everything in, which makes it very difficult for me to find anything in my purse, OR.....I can say:  "Enough is Enough" and clean the thing out!
You see....I have a choice!  I could also.....choose to keep the thing organized on a daily basis, if only I would.

In the same way that my purse gets cluttered with junk, our lives can become cluttered as well.  There's  gossip, bad decisions, material madness, bitterness, selfishness,  and this list could go on and on!  What we must do is to clean our heart.  STOP....throw out the bad stuff before it gets packed in, and give it all to God.  HE is the master of Clean and HE longs for us to throw away all of the JUNK that we keep stored inside us.

Oh Yes....that word CHOICE is mighty big and in order for me to keep my nose from growing bigger than Pinocchio's, I had better make good choices so that I can turn, my pointer finger back around.

Your friendship Blesses Me!
Enjoy this day Dear Friends.....



  1. I like your analogy here, Shug! It tells us something important while being fun. I LOVE glitter nail polish and have several bottles. I also love yellow shiny polish and green. My problem with the glitter polish is it comes off my nail in bed in one whole piece!!! Then to my sleepy eyes it looks like a big spider and I start screaming. My purse gets heaver by the day, so now Phil must carry it at times. So maybe I should buy one to match his ties! I need to resolve to clean it out. It is the camera and smart phone that weigh it down so much, then I found a fan necklace...

  2. I hope that each time I change purses and try to decide what to keep and what to throw away,I will think of this post.Thanks.

  3. I usually pick hot pink polish for my toes. But purple sounds fun and vibrant just like you, haha! I'm with you on choosing the perfect purse; however I've lately been choosing the smallest cross body I can get away with. Credit cards, phone, a pack of gum and Burt's Bees lip gloss is all I carry now. :)

  4. This post makes perfect sense to me-- from top to bottom. And BTW, I just painted my nails lavender ;-)

    My purse is a bottomless pit! My heart-- is wide open.

    xox jj

  5. Hi Shug, I was wandering around the blogworld and your purple glitter photo caught my eye because i just used a purple glitter photo on my blog post for today!
    I'm glad I found you, this is happy place and I will be your newest Follower!


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