Thursday, June 6, 2013

What do you Prefer?

Vacation plans......Anyone?    

 last June.....(around the middle of June)...... Sam and I were sitting in the airport.....waiting to catch a flight to Canada.   I'm not super fond of flying.....however, it sure is nice when it comes time to leave from a trip to come back home.    When a vacation ends, it sure is nice to hurry up and get back to your own bed.

Can you see the guy that is standing on the rocks.....wearing a red shirt???

These are just some random shots from our trip to Canada.....

Rainbow Mist.....

Beautiful flowers.......

More gorgeous plants.....

I absolutely love seeing vineyards......


Which do your prefer?   Driving vacations, where you can stop when you want to for potty breaks, stop to eat at a quaint little sandwich shop, do a little antiquing, and travel at your own pace? you prefer to fly (or take a train) so that you can hurry up and get to your destination?  

Do you prefer to settle in, to one hotel, and then take day adventures to see the sites and follow an itinerary........Or, do you like to travel and stay in different areas while vacationing?   

The older that I get, the less that I like to drive.   The last driving vacation that Sam and I took by ourselves, was in September of 2011.   We took a small trip to Branson and it took us approximately 30 hours to get there.   A normal trip to this area, would usually take us about 8 hours, max.   We took our time and made several stops.   It was truly a super sweet trip and very relaxing.

As of right now......We are still trying to make a decision about this year's vacation.....

Will it be a Summer trip?..... A Fall trip?  A Summer trip and a Fall trip?
or......No trip at all??

We shall see......


Shug ~


  1. I'm not fond of flying even though I've done it. We prefer to drive by car and take our time. And our preferred vacation time is usually in September after the kids are in school and the traffic is a bit lighter. Plus it's cooler.

    Lately, we've been perfectly happy to just stay in MO or, like the last two years, explore nearby states and then end up in Branson for a week. We take several long weekend trips throughout the year, too. I don't often tell about them on my blog as I don't usually even take my camera. It's a getaway from everything, even blogging!

    Have fun wherever you go! We haven't decided yet where we'll go this year. It's a tossup between a repeat trip out west like we took a few years ago and a couple of other places. Decisions, decisions!

  2. OH My---Decisons--Decisions.. Wherever you decide to go, we'll all go with you--through your blog photos and words!!!!

    I guess, for us, it depends upon how much time we have... We always drive (our choice)--and if we are going far away, we usually take the fastest routes and not spend time meandering along. IF it is a short trip, we usually always travel the back roads...We plan our trips TOTALLY before taking them --knowing where we are going/where we are staying/etc.... Works for us!!!! We do not enjoy summer trips --especially the big ones. Fall works better for us.

    BUT--each of us individuals is different.. SO--you all just need to do what you really want to do.

    P.S. We are not taking a big vacation this year --since we are paying to put a new roof on the house... BIG BUCKS....

  3. Vacations are fun. We used to fly all the time. I flew many times on my own with four children. Now I prefer to drive where ever we go.

  4. I can't say what I like the best because I have never been on a vacation. But for me, life is all about the journey, not the destination, the unexpected surprises you find on the trip.Your pictures are amazing, I love the rainbow mist and the yellow flowers the best. I know wherever you go, you make it fun!!!

  5. beautiful photos, I think the take your time trip is for me, have a super weekend where ever you go,

  6. Before my recent "adventures" with American Airlines, I would've said I prefer to fly. But with delays and inconveniences on every flight lately, I'm inclined to say drive. It depends on how far you're going I guess. My trip to Portland was too far to drive, so flying was my only option. Hope you find a nice destination and get there safely!


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