Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome Baby Camdyn

{Welcome Baby Camdyn}.......................
Camdyn decided to make his grand entrance into the world yesterday afternoon...He weighed 7 lbs. 11.5 ounces.  21 inches long.  Our Neice Jiffy and her husband Sam along with their other two sons, Aiden & Beau, were thrilled to welcome baby Camdyn ....  What a Beautiful Family.  Congratulations!!

Thinking about having one myself....LOL   Wouldn't MY Sam be shocked??   Thought I would just throw a bit of laughter in there.
I can see my girls faces right now as they read that sentence! 

REALLY THOUGH.......................

LIFE  is so sweet and it is even sweeter when you hear the cry of a newborn baby....So very precious.   .

How awesome is our GOD!  This is a new life that has GOD'S handprints and LOVE all over him...AND you know .........
there is something so wonderful about the breath of a newborn...To me, it's like smelling the sweet, fresh breath of God. 

Isn't it Amazing how the moment you touch your newborn baby, all the fatigue and pain that you have gone through for the past nine months seems to fade away....THE moment is there for you to Love and Embrace the Miracle of a New Life.

What a Blessing!


  1. I think since you said all of that I will talk Tom into having a reversal. LOL Makes me want another!!!!

  2. That is all so true, everything you said sent tears down my cheeks thinking about God and babies and wonderful Jesus is and how blessed I am. I love ALL my family so much, thanks for posted about us on your blog!!!


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