Tuesday, March 25, 2025

test, game, food

 I needed to write my post a little early since I have an 8:00 AM Dental appointment.  

Several asked me about the CT heart scan...This is for ME.  I saw my heart doctor last week and he ordered this scan plus a stress test for next week.  I'm not having any issues, but Heart disease runs in my family. 

I actually had to have one stent a couple of years ago.  I appreciate my doctor for taken the steps necessary to make sure that I am Okay.  

I know this may sound crazy, but my dad had

4 different open heart surgeries over the span of 35 years.  My oldest brother has had 1 open heart surgery, and then my youngest brother died of the heart attack.  It is good to know that my cardiologist is on top of things. 

We spent the evening at that softball field yesterday. 
Softball has begun!!!

We actually had to pull out the umbrellas.....
not because of rain, but the sun was so HOT. 

#1....aka....Mylee Jo
getting ready to bat!

Sad to say...we did not win.  

another day, another game 
for a win. 

These things!!!!
They are so tasty....

toasted bread with a smear of fluff cream cheese....topped with a sliced tomato, sea salt and pepper.  This was lunch yesterday.

And then......
I made Blueberry muffins.
I didn't take a picture of them, but they were full of fresh blueberries and tasted so good. 

And now dear friends, it is time for me to head to the dentist this morning...

Have fun today and don't forget to
take some time just for you....



  1. Mylee Jo is quite the athlete!

  2. I'm glad your cardiologist is on to of things!
    Those tomatoes on toast look sooo good!
    Hope your dentist appt went well.

  3. I'm glad you have a good cardiologist!

  4. "Happy Dental Day??" I dislike going to the dentist with a passion but I really need to go...good for you.
    I'm so glad you have a doctor on top of your family history and is watching out for you. Better to do it regularly instead of an emergency.
    Sorry about the game loss but next time will be another chance.
    Ummm, that lunch looks so good...that's my kind of nosh for sure.
    Have a great day and now I'm off to the backyard to pull some more weeds. Its suppose to rain Thursday and I need to get more done.

  5. How I wish my father's M.D. was as proactive as yours! Unfortunately, despite his vital stats, his first heart attack was his undoing -- far too early.
    I generally avoid bread, but your lunch looks so tasty I'm going to try and replicate it. Thanks for the idea!

  6. Your heart tests do not sound crazy at all!!! If I had this family history, I would be demanding the tests. I think at our age, you cannot be too careful and proactive with your health! Hope you have a good report at the dentist!

  7. I hope you had a good visit with the dentist. Those tomatoes and toast look so delicious. Hope you will have a happy spring.

  8. Mylee is in soft ball too! Quite the go getter. Nice you are supporting her even in the heat.
    Hope you had a good dental visit (mine was a running late and asked me to make it Friday).
    Those tomatoes and cream cheese and tomatoes looks like a good idea for lunch.
    I saw your comment of Martha's blog about coming to Kennesaw, can you believe we are five minutes from each other? I met here and her husband for coffee - the nicest people ever. If you come to Kennesaw - you can see both of us!
    I am glad you are checking out things with your cardiologist - you DEFINITELY need to check it out. It is heredity sometimes. My husband has gone through so much but if they catch it early they can fix it. (I tell this to myself because I am going to a cardiologist for the first time this Thursday - lol). Prayers for you.

  9. Shug, I finally fixed my internet settings so I could get onto your blog! This came out of nowhere! So strange.

  10. Hello, my friend. Good for you for being proactive with your health. I have several appointments next month, including the dentist. I don't look forward to any of them, and get quite anxious before, but I realize it is important so, off I will go! Your lunch looks delicious. Thanks for the idea. And have a cozy evening!

  11. I am glad your doctor is staying on top of the heart issues. Your lunch looks good!

  12. Wonderful that your doc is taking the time to be sure that you're safe. I love that.

  13. Glad to hear you have a doctor who is on top of things for you. Too bad about the game

  14. Thanks for letting us know that you have a good cardiologist watching out for you. I had my teeth cleaned last week. Next month I have an old filling from childhood removed and a new one put in. It’s not so bad if you have a good dentist.
    It must have been really hot there. Too bad about the game - you win some, you lose some.

  15. Good that you are being proactive with your health! Hope all goes well!

  16. I hope all is well with your heart, Shug. The toasted bread and tomato and cream cheese sounds delicious. I'll have to try that sometime. And your blueberry muffins! Yes, baseball has started. Not my favorite sport, I have to say. Was never really good at it haha. I like your red and white side bars!

    Have a wonderful week, Shug.


  17. Wow, Shug. I'd never make an 8 a.m. dental appointment. That's an early rise! I liked the idea of the toasted bread, cream cheese, and a thick slice to tomato. That sounded yummy. Glad your cardiologist is keeping an eye on things. We want you around for a long, LONG time! Can't wait to see what plants you will choose for near the pool. I'm sure they will all be very beautiful! Take care and have a great rest of the week. Hugs. Susan

  18. It's wonderful that your cardiologist takes precautions with the testing. I can understand why he does it. Hope your dental appointment went well. Your lunch picture looks so yummy.

  19. Your family sounds like mine...heart attack city! Don't forget to walk!
    Sorry about the loss!

  20. Yep, my family is the same as yours... my dad, both of his brothers, and my grandma.
    xx oo


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