Saturday, March 22, 2025

Check this Out...

Good morning, Saturday squad!  

This gurl is excited this morning!!

Hector, the guy who mows our yard, is coming today.....My flower beds are getting a small makeover, and he is also cleaning out all of the yucky weeds that have popped up.  The big pots around the pool will also be emptied.  I will then be able to get new potting soil and get new flowers planted.  🌿🌸🍃

Y'all check this out....

The owner of this shop is an artist and she has the cutest displays.  

These two mannequins are dressed in the cutest skirts, made out of paper plates and cups.  Very unique!

Mylee, Trista and ME!

What is this picture about?
We all three had some new piercings in our ears yesterday....(In this cute shop)
Mylee added two extra, giving her 3 earrings in each ear.  
Tris and I just added one other pair of earrings to each ear, giving us two.

We had a wonderful Friday in town and another GOOD lunch at "Chicken Salad Chick."  

Our other partner in crime, Shanda is off hiking in the Arkansas hills...She and hubby took a small trip to celebrate their Anniversary!

I so love spending time with my girls and I'm thankful that they enjoy spending time with me.  

Happy Saturday!!
Hope your coffee is strong and your Saturday vibes are even stronger...




  1. Really looks like a wonderful time and a refreshed garden to boot. That's wonderful. Fun day. Sounds good. Wishing you a fun rest of your weekend as well.

  2. I sure wish someone would come and "refresh" my backyard especially. The weeds are having a field day. Can't wait to see your new flowers .
    Its always fun to have time with the family. Those special Girl days are so much fun. Nice to get some new ear decorations.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. I would have loved to have my garden refreshed when we owned our house. lol
    You really have a nice family to go out together like that - so you have two earrings in each ear now. Good for you.
    I love CSC - the Dixie Chicks - onion flavor.

  4. those adorable dresses in the shop brought back memories of the fashion show at the library a few years ago. it was a blast, all the models were highschool students, and the creations were made from all kinds of things, like these dresses. oh goody, new flowers. I have not had a girls day out with friends for 7 years.

  5. thecontemplativecat here. You are so young! Your girls are lovely. My babies are now in their 40s, and grandchildren range from 3 to 20. Life is good.

  6. What a delightful display on the mannequins. So colorful too. I hope Shanda has a great time hiking in the hills. Getting out in nature is always a good thing. Have fun with your other set of earrings! It's always nice when the landscaper comes and spruces things up. Your flower beds will look so groomed and pretty.

    Have a lovely weekend, Shug.


  7. I’m happy for you. Have a great weekend! ❤️

  8. Such a fun Saturday to share with your girls, Shug. Blessings always!

  9. What a fun day! I had a fun day with my girls today.
    I hope Shanda is having a great time!

  10. Always fun to have a girls day out.

  11. When Hector's finished won't you send him my direction?! Those mannequins look like they're all ready for Cinco de Mayo. Clever!
    Since retirement -- followed by COVID -- I let my ear lobes grow back; and I'm still on the fence about having them re-pierced. Maybe need a "girlie day" like yours is in order. Thanks for sharing your joy!

  12. Oh I love the picture of you and your girls. Yes, I love spending time with my girls, but it getting harder. Michel owns her own business and works out of home, has 2 grandbabies to love on, Julie lives further away and still has one at home, Jill is in Oregon so my mother/daughter times are not that many but treasured. There is no one I'd rather be with. Love the cute artist clever.
    How nice your yard and plants are getting a face life.
    I let my daughters get their first ear piercing at 13, since then they have added more. I got my first one when I got married, and my second one with my oldest daughter when she was 13. Holy Moly, my holes are old!!!

  13. A paper plate ball gown, I love it!!! So are all of your piercings on your lobe? What a cool thing to do with the girls!

  14. More holes in your head...ha! I used to have pierced ears...too allergic to the if needed I wear the old grandma clip on earrings:)

  15. Chicken Salad Chick is a GREAT place!

  16. Shug, what a fun weekend! That dress display is so adorable! My mom and I used to go to the mall every Saturday and those were great memories. There's nothing better than spending time with kids :)

  17. Ohhhhhhhh I just love this post, smiles. Ok, ok, I love all your posts, smiles. Wishing you a lovely day.

  18. I love the mannequin. So creative.
    Sounds like a good day with your girls!


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