Friday, January 10, 2025

First Monday Trades Days

This past weekend when Sam and I traveled to Dallas, we passed through the town of Canton, Texas.   This town is famous for it's "First Monday trade days."  It is a ginormous Flea Market.  

First Monday Canton has earned its reputation as the world's largest flea market, with a rich history dating back to the 1850's when the circuit judge stopped in Canton on the first Monday of each month to hold court.  People would come in to town for business and would bring their own goods to sell or trade.  

Now days....First Monday begins on Thursday prior to the First Monday of the month, and closes on Sunday....No trading is done on Mondays.  

Originally, people bartered goods of all kinds and this continued for many years.  Very little bartering is done now, but occasionally you  might find an old timer who still enjoys doing this.  

This picture shows only a small portion of the grounds and the vendors.  This place is huge and if you are not familiar with the vendors or what it is that you are shopping for, it could easily take you two or three days to shop the whole area.  

People travel from all over the United States to sell their products OR to shop.  Fortunately, we live only 30 minutes from this area.  We May go once or twice a year just to see what all is new.  

You can find just about anything and everything at Canton First Monday.  
Home goods, FOOD, furniture, tools, antiques, dishes, signs, ironwork, CLOTHING, candles, 
COLLECTIBLES, arts and crafts, pets, SHABBY CHIC, fishing gear, hunting items, plants, etc. etc. etc. 

Anything that you could possibly collect, you can find here.  

There are decorations for Christmas, Easter, 4th of July and every single Holiday you can think of.   

You can find a huge selection of dried foods, coffee, teas, candy, and the food trucks are plentiful.  Anything from BBQ, corn on the cob, chicken salad, sausage on a stick, CORN DOGS, or whatever you are hungry for.....they have it!!

What I really enjoy are the antiques and all of the Unique items that you just don't find anywhere else.  
Parking is $5.00 a car, but you had better get there early!  

Have any of you ever been to Canton First Monday Trade Days??
If would be worth the trip just to come explore this place.  
Bring PLENTY of $$$$ though and you might want to come in a full size vehicle.  

Over the years, I have made many purchases from First Monday.  I bought a huge custom made cabinet that I have in my dining area.  I've also purchased several T-shirts, clothing items, decorations, and food.  

We didn't stop as we passed through the town last weekend, but I just might need to plan a visit to First Monday in the near future!!

Enjoy the plans that you have for today...

hugs to all...





  1. Years ago I worked with a Texas based company called Cottage Collectibles (in Brazoria, TX) and that is where the buyers went to procure merchandise for our line of decor. Gosh living that close could be detrimental to my pocketbook!

  2. You had me at Pistachio toffee, with a side of Jalapeno! I won't fly any more, but friends willing (?) I'd sure enjoy a girls' road trip.

  3. What an interesting place and thank you for including the history of it. I really enjoyed hearing about it. The size of the place in the picture you shared is incredible. Thank you for sharing about Canton's First Monday Canton!

  4. 30 MINUTES!!! You live thirty minutes from there?? I would be there every day!!! How do you stay away so long? I have never heard of it. Funny that it is called First Monday, yet there is no trading on Mondays. I see so many things I love, and this is just a tiny part of it! Next time you go, I want to see everything you buy!

  5. Wow! That looks like so much fun! I would love to wander through there.

  6. That looks like a fun place to visit. I would definitely enjoy something like that.

  7. I would LOVE to go there. You only live 30 minutes from there? I bet you do have to have lots and lots of money. But it looks like so much fun.

  8. sounds good, a bit far to drive to a flea market for us, ha ha. when we got married 40 years ago , we furnished the house with flea market finds. everything we bought was used except the king size mattress. we had to sell bob's 64 Cadillac that sat in the garage and was never driven to buy the mattress. each week end we hit The mustang flea Market which was an old driving theater, and people brought their trucks and cars loaded with things to sell.

  9. It sounds like a fascinating place. Oldest Son used to live in Dallas before moving to California. If he hadn't I would be incorporating a trip to Canton into my next visit.

  10. What a fabulous place !! Too dangerous for my pocket book though. We are desperately purging and trying to get rid of our "treasures". Our kids don't want our Things..
    It would be so much fun to see all the antiques and craft items.

  11. This sounds like my kind of place. I love flea markets, craft fairs, and estate sales. Wow, look at that pink section! Would go nicely for Valentine's Day. I would love to see the dining room cabinet you purchased there sometime. If you go again and browse through all the goodies, please show us what you came home with. I love places like this.


  12. Living right outside of Waco, we've been to Canton several times over the years. Our friend's sons own food businesses there. It can really get crowded there! And we never go in the Summer...too hot!


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