Wednesday, December 25, 2024

 Thank you all for your many prayers.  I am feeling better and was able to get some medications when we got back to Texas.

I wish that I could say that our family had a Merry Christmas, but unfortunately, this has been a long day filled with many tears.  My youngest brother calls me every morning, but he did not call this morning.  After trying to call him several times, I decided that something was not right so I drove out to his house.  As I entered the back door, I saw him lying on the floor.   He had a massive heart attack and was already gone when I got there.   Aside from my many tears and my broken heart, I can’t think of a better day than Christmas day to go to be with the Lord.  What a fabulous rejoicing there must be in Heaven.  

Please keep my family in your prayers..  

Love to you all



  1. Oh Shug, I am so sorry. We can be happy for him, but there is great sorrow for those left behind. Praying for your family.

  2. I am SO sorry! Death is bittersweet. It is the passage to eternal life, but it hurts for the ones left behind.

  3. Oh NO!! M dear Shug, I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine what you have been through. My prayers are with you and the family. I truly do not know what else to say, I wish we lived closer and I could help and give you a huge hug.

  4. Oh my goodness - I’m so sorry. And to be the one who found him. Continued prayers for you and your whole family.

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

  6. Praying for you and your family in Oregon . . .

  7. Oh, Shug, I'm so very, very sorry that you lost your brother. I will keep you and yours in my prayers for God's comfort and peace for all of you.

  8. So sorry for your loss Shug, but heaven must be is a marvelous place on Christmas Day. I hope that gives you some comfort! Hugs:)

  9. Oh Shug, I know how sad this was. But yes, what a wonderful way to think about it - your brother going home on Christmas Day. Prayers for peace and comfort for you.

  10. My dear Shug, I am deeply sorry to hear what happened to your brother. You always looked out for him, and the two of you were close and had a special relationship. I am saying a prayer for him, and you and the family. May God wrap around you like a blanket of comfort and love, and please know that your blog friends love you.


  11. What an awful occurrence, Shug! I'm so sorry for you and all those who loved your brother. I'm praying for your peace of mind, knowing he's spending Christmas with our Father. Like that dear song, I can only imagine!

  12. Oh Shug, I am so so sorry. Please accept my deepest sympathies. You are correct- there is not a better day to go to be with our Lord than Christmas Day. Many prayers for you and your family.

  13. Oh, Im so sorry. How terrible for you to find him...but how precious that at that moment he was carried into the arms of Jesus. Christmas just seems to be a time of joy and sadness. I lost my Dad at Christmas many years ago. We will keep you in our prayers and pray that the peace that passes all understanding will hold you tight! Love and Hugs

  14. Oh my goodness...I am so sorry. That bought such painful memories for me, as I found my son (12/11/21) sorry I wish I could take your pain away. Sending you much love my friend.

  15. Shug, I am so very, very sorry about your brother. I wish I could give you a big hug right now, as I know that there are really no words to offer. I pray for your healing as the days go by and that God's sweet peace will be your comfort. I'm so thankful the Lord gives us memories to carry us through the loss of those we love.

  16. Dear Shug....I am so very sorry to hear of the tragic death of your little brother. It is never easy to lose someone we love profoundly. So glad you have your strong faith in our Lord. He will help you through these difficult, sad days. Also sorry to hear about your sickness. Hope you are feeling better each day. Shug, I sure hope the new year will be good and bring you much peace and happiness. Most sincerely, Susan


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