Wednesday, December 18, 2024

trip update

 Just stopping in to say hello on this Wednesday afternoon.  I have visited a few of you and left a comment on your post.   But.. since I am using my phone, I have not been able to comment on some of your post.     Not sure why, but I will as soon as we get home from this trip.  I have been able to read them, just can not leave a comment.  Sam and I made it to our destination and have enjoyed spending the past few days with family.  

Wouldn’t you know it…  I don’t really feel great.   I am having so much sinus drainage, which is causing me to have a cough and congestion.  of course, I have a sore throat as well.  Sam and I went to a Walmart to get me some NyQuil and cough drops.  I think I coughed all night long last night.  I’m not sure if it is the warm temps or the landscape of different types of trees that is causing all the drainage.  Just need it to go away.  

We are going to get to visit with our grandson this evening, so I am excited about this.  I refuse to let a few sinus issues spoil this exciting time.  




  1. Enjoy your time there. Praying you feel better!

  2. Hope you feel better soon, it is awful to be away from home and sick:)

  3. I'm so sorry! Well, it is still kind of early, so hopefully you will be over it all by Christmas eve!

  4. I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you start feeling better and enjoy your grandson.

  5. Sorry to hear you’re ill. Try to find times when you can rest - and still be with your grandson. May the God who heals (Jehovah Rapha) lift you up and restore your health. Can’t wait to hear all about your trip.

    1. The God who heals doesn't always come through for the suffering and injured, just ask the victims in Gaza being killed and maimed by Israel in the modern day genocide and holocaust.

  6. I hope you feel better soon, and that it doesn't ruin your visit. ❤️

  7. Sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon and enjoy your visit.

  8. Prayers that you will feel better soon, Shug. Have a great trip!

  9. It's awful being sick. I am so sorry. You do what is best for you. No need to worry about commenting. I've not been great, so I hear you.

  10. Hi Shug :) I woke up with a sore throat this week and it progressed into a cold. Try the Mucinex Nasal Spray. It's the ONLY thing that helps me breathe when I'm stopped up. I hope you feel better soon! It's Christmas! We can't be sick!

  11. Glad you made it safely there, Shug. Sorry to hear about the sinus stuff you are having. Whenever I get that cough, it seems to last a long time. And sore throats are awful - I do hope that clears up for you. That NyQuil sure does help with the colds we get. But you are with your family, and that is wonderful! Have a great time, Shug, and feel better.


  12. hope, everything goes well with you....

  13. I hope you get to feeling better, my friend. Safe travels.


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Shower and Travels

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