Sunday, November 17, 2024

Sunday morning News!!

Sam and I both have the crud!  Chest congestion, headache, stuffed up noses and sleepless nights.  

Hopefully this is a fast moving viral cold that will move it's way on out quickly. 

Sam's head is stopped up and his ears are all stopped up as well......I am sitting here wearing AirPods because my ears are very sensitive and having the TV blaring at 60 decibels is wayyyyyy too loud for me. 

Bless his heart....I have had stopped up ears before and I know how it feels.

I am thankful for AIRPODS!

Hope you all have an EAr-resistibly charming day!!

Shug....  Happy Sunday!



  1. Sorry you are ill! My hubby is fighting something.

    1. There's a lot of somethings floating around out there, thanks to these bio-weapons labs worldwide who refuse to stop trying to weaponize virus and bacteria. There is one case of avian flu that jumped to humans in Canada now, a poor young woman there in ICU no contact cause found yet. And the new stronger strain of monkey pox is now in California, some fool there took a trip to Africa (God knows what he was doing there) brought it to the states with him.

  2. prayers for it to leave you quickly and for it to not be Covid, seems it is rearing it ugly head again. there have been 4 other blog friends with these symptoms.

  3. Well, I am hopeful for a speedy recovery for you both!

  4. Awww, sick as you are, you still have your sense of humor! You know the good part of this? It will be over before the holidays and you should be healthy for Thanksgiving and Christmas!!

  5. Aw, darn! I'm so sorry y'all happened in the way of that train (er, cold bug). Praying for a speedy recovery for the both of you!

  6. I hope you are both better soon. I have sensitive ears, too, and have good ear protectors as well as sound-canceling ear phones. They are real blessing!

  7. Sending prayers for quick healing.

  8. I haven't gotten the crud for about ten years now, other than an unpleasant go around with Covid at the start of the pandemic. There are some silver bullets that virus and bacteria don't like, including Vitamin C, Lysine, Zinc, oregano oil capsules, vitamin D, echinacea, elderberry extract and raw chopped garlic twice a day (three cloves, chopped and let sit for ten minutes to release allicin) I take this with juice, tastes awful so it's impossible to eat straight. I started doing this during chemo treatments ten years ago for cancer, they also negate some of the side effects of chemo. Of course this is used as a compliment to conventional medications.

  9. Hope both of you are feeling better soon.

  10. So sorry that you are both under the weather. Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Funny memes...and I hate to hear of Sam's being sick!! Hope you both feel better real soon!!!

  12. Oh darn! It got you both! Take it easy, rest, drink plenty of fluids and rest some more. For myself, I have found that when I would take decongestants etc I would get sicker. So now when I feel it coming on, I don’t suppress it. When you’re sick, you’re sick- there is really no way to stop it. The simple remedy of rest and fluids usually is what the body needs. Lifting you and Sam up in sprayer as I write this. May your bodies receive the rest it needs to recover, no matter how long it takes. God bless you, Shug.

    1. Oh how I hate typos! I mean prayer not sprayer! lol - consider yourselves sprayed with prayer! 🥰


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