Thursday, November 7, 2024

Furniture Re-arranging

 How often do you re-arrange your furniture?  I love change!!  However, I have gotten better about leaving things as they are for longer period of times.  🍂

With the Holidays coming, I felt like I needed to change some things up to make a little more room.  During the Thanksgiving Holidays, we will have around 19-20 family members here.  

For the Christmas Holiday meal, we will have more like 24 people.  It makes me happy when I know that I have plenty of room for everyone to be comfortable.  I do have plenty of room at the dining tables for everyone, but it is the living area (Football games on TV) that I am limited on seating.  🍁

My living room furniture has 4 reclining chairs and these seem to be the first seats that everyone wants.    The others have to make do sitting on the sofa or in the other chairs.  

During the Holidays, I need about 10 recliners, a couple of sofas, and a 1/2 dozen comfy rockers.  LOL.  😂

This past Friday....I decided to re-arrange!!

Here is what I did!!  ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

The white cabinet was on the opposite side of the room...I moved it to the wall.

The sofa was against the wall where the white cabinet is now...

I changed out the Rug in our Master Bedroom.
I also took the gold curtains that I had in the living room down and moved them to our bedroom...   I actually think I like them better in the bedroom.

I made more space by spreading the furniture further out.  This allows me a bigger area to add more chairs.  
You may or may not have noticed that I added red and white curtains to the living area.  

I also made room for my Christmas tree to go in a different place from where I normally have it..   We shall see if it works out!!

Maybe I will leave it like this for a While...

And this is most likely why my leg is still hurting..

Happy Thursday....



  1. It all looks very warm and inviting.

    1. Awe....Thank you Sandi.....We enjoy our home.

  2. I like the pretty pattern on the curtains. Wow, you did a lot! I am hoping that Sam helped? The sweet little table and chairs with the basket full of fall cheer. You have a nice large room, much bigger than ours. The white cabinet is so cool! Do you change the door fronts with the seasons?

    1. Thank you Ginny...I thought this pattern would be pretty for the Holidays. Sam did not help...he didn't even know I was moving the furniture...I wish I had waited for him, now that my knee is swollen. I do change the door fronts on the cabinet...Sometimes I just put magazines in it and other times I match the dishes to what ever season is happening.

  3. Wow, I am so impressed. The furniture pretty much stays the way it is . There really isn't a whole lot of wiggle room to make it different.
    Going to our sons for Thanksgiving so I don't have to figure out the table settings.
    Everything looks so lovely and cozy. Love the family gatherings.

    1. I am kinda impressed with myself this time...It was much harder than what it normally is...I'm getting older. I would love to go somewhere for Thanksgiving...wish my girls would host it this time...

  4. Hello, I like to move furniture around too. I just did a re do on Monday. ;-) I will do another in a few weeks to fit in our Christmas tree.
    In the summer, I am always moving our pots on the deck and making up new displays.
    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. need to show us your re-do. I always have to move stuff to work around the Christmas can be a pain. You have a great weekend as well...

  5. That’s a lot of work! Take care, ❤️

    1. it certainly was a lot of work and now my knee hurts...I may have learned a good lesson...don't move furniture by myself..

  6. Well it all looks like it should be on a magazine cover. Very nice.
    In others houses I always moved things around but this house it stays the same. I’d have to take things off the wall in order for it to look good. My living room is difficult to work with. How I change things up is curtains, wall art, rugs - and I’m fine with it.
    You be careful. I used to push my furniture around using my hip, and leg strength instead of my upper body and I’d pull something. When the tree comes in, we’ll have to just reposition the recliner a little.

    Thanks for sharing. It all looks so festive! You do good work!

    1. thank you much Debby. It is so easy to change the way a room looks just by changing curtains and rugs. I think I realized this time that I'm not quite as fit as I once was when it comes to moving

  7. Your house looks very nice. In my younger years I used to move furniture every couple months. Now I do it twice a year. I have a summer arrangement and a winter arrangement.

    1. Thanks Ann...I work hard at keeping our home cozy... I've pretty much started doing the same as you....Summer and Winter.

  8. Your home and furnishings are lovely, Shug. I'm happy that you'll be able to have so many family members over for the holidays, too. We won't be able to manage that this year, unfortunately, but we are thankful for all of our blessings.

  9. You are so sweet Martha...Thank you! I am excited because this is the first time our Military family will be home for the holidays in 8 years.

  10. I enjoyed seeing the different changes you made rearranging the furniture, Shug. It looks spacious, and it will be nice for your family when you have Christmas dinner this year at your home. I love all your dark traditional furniture, that's my favorite as well.
    You did a great job, Shug. I hope you can rest up some now, so your leg heals.


  11. How warm and welcoming! (My) spirit is eager to move some things about ... but the flesh is weak.

  12. I am so impressed - did you have help - that had to hurt your legs. You have what I call a great room - so large and open. Four recliners! I think that is wonderful you are having 24 people!

  13. That is a bunch of people! Good for you making more space:)


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