Saturday, October 12, 2024


A few weeks ago, Sam and our grandson Trey, emptied my storage building for me.  They put everything on an 18 foot trailer, and the trailer has been parked in my drive way ever since.  

Yesterday afternoon....I decided to tackle this big job of sorting through the boxes.  I think I ended up emptying 5  FULL containers. 

I found one container full of cards, newspaper clippings, and several other items that are so sentimental to me.   Most of the cards in this container were from mine and Sam's wedding shower....some 52 years ago.

This was a booklet from our wedding shower.  It was a list of the gifts that we were Blessed with.

Next, I unearthed the cutest little Spider Man suit!

I kept all of my grandchildren until they each started school, and I have many memorable stories about each one of them.
This Spider Man Suit represents one of the big memories that I have.    We have had MANY conversations about the above Spider Man Suit.  Our 2nd grandson (Tucker) loved this little costume.  Everyday when he came to my house, he would have it on.  Trying to get him to take it off so I could wash it was a big chore.  You would not believe how many times I had to sew and repair the seams of this spider man suit.  I feel as if I made the thing with how much repair sewing I did.

I knew I had saved it, but could never find it Until yesterday.  There it was, neatly folded, sitting in the corner of one of the containers.  

This was a booklet that my youngest daughter (Shanda) made for me like 40 years ago.  It brought tears to my eyes when I took it out of the box.  Inside the book, she listed the reasons why she loved me.  
1.  Because you cook for me.
2.  You let me cry on you
3.  Because it is your Birthday

This next book was made by our Oldest grandson (Tyler) in 2006.

For an hour or so, it was like reliving the small but precious moments of years gone by. 

Digging a little deeper, I found School news papers from when Sam and I were in High School.  I took a few minutes and read through the school papers.  

At the bottom of this same container, I found several pieces of tissue paper carefully wrapped around some of my jewelry that I wore in High School. 
So many of the items that I came across, told a story of where I had been, things I had done, and the person I have loved for over 57 years.   (We have been married for 52 years and dated 5 years before we got married) 

The boxes that I went through yesterday, turned into a quiet, unexpected adventure.....a journey through time!

I can't wait to open the other containers.






  1. Such a beautiful post and many happy memories, thank you for sharing. Wishing you a lovely day.

  2. You will find so many things, Shug. I am doing the same thing right now going through stuff, and just found my mother's hospital bracelet when she had me! It was such a sweet thing to find. All these keepsakes from your kids are treasures. I especially like Shanda's booklet that she made for you. How fun to find jewelry that you wore in high school. I would love to see a picture of that sometime. You said it best, Shug. Going through old boxes is like a journey through time. I'm so glad you came across some unexpected surprises.


    1. Oh Sheri....that is quite a find to come across the bracelet of when your mom had you. I am having fun going through these boxes. Hoping to find many more surprises.

  3. What a Delicious Adventure into Memories you have been on.
    Its wonderful that you have kept them. I have a few boxes like that too. I need to go through them again. I guess the older we get the more meaningful the little pieces of the past mean to us.

  4. How I love these hand-printed greetings! And to see your high school-era jewelry again. Wow. Thank you for sharing your time capsule with us, Shug.

  5. What a momentous find!! Irreplaceable items. The emotions and stuff that life is made of!! I love where he says "Bears get very mad!" This box also shows what a difference you have made for the good in so many lives!!!

  6. I usually do that kind of stuff after the new year. That stretch of time from Jan to March is a good time for such an activity. What a time capsule! It’s good you enjoy going down memory lane. I have to be in a good frame of mind or else it all gets to me, especially when I find keepsakes from Michael.
    Thanks for sharing all the cards, and adorable school art. Definitely keepers.

  7. Wonderful trip down memory lane. Much like our blogs will be in years to come!

  8. How fun! I had tubs for each of my boys, but when we downsized I handed them over.

  9. Shug what a wonderful day down memory lane.... The books are adorable. So how many children do you have in total? What made you decide to go through things. I thought it was wonderful!

  10. Oh my friend. What a wonderful post. How happy and sad and happy you must have been as you went through the beautiful pieces of your life. I loved seeing them! Hugs!

  11. What an adventure down memory lane!
    Our grandies are 5, 8, 14 and 16. No more Gramma Camps! It is poignant. I enjoyed having them for a week at a time.


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Shower and Travels

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