Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Quiet Observer

 The Quiet Observer:

Sam and I went for a nice walk yesterday evening.  I wanted to go walk, mainly to get some exercise.  Of course, a nice soft walk isn't quite what one might need if you are really walking for the exercise.  The way I see it, a soft walk is better than NO walk.  


When I say that a Quiet walker sometimes see the most, I mean that when you are not in a hurry, you are able to notice little things along the pathway of your walk...STROLL.

We had just barely began our walk yesterday, when I looked down and found a nickel in the grass.  If I had been walking fast, I would not have noticed the nickel at all.  


I enjoyed seeing the four o' clock flowers that are still blooming, and watching two squirrels as they scurried up a tree when they saw us walking by.  I also noticed leaves that are in the middle of changing colors, and some of them were swaying in the wind, as they gently were falling to the ground.  


By the end of our walk, I realized that it feels really nice just to be able to walk slowly,  and enjoy the sweet things of nature along my path.  


A nice reminder for me to slow down, pay attention, and notice the beauty and the hidden bonuses of nature.  

I think it is a great day to be HAPPY!!



  1. I just love this post, thanks for making smile. Wishing you a beautiful day my friend.

    1. Thank you Linda...I do hope that your day is GREAT.

  2. I walk really fast, even in stores, accross parking lots. it is hard for me to walk slowly, as in with hubby, he shuffles and I find it hard to walk that slow. when I walk Beau, our dog, he walks fast, like me, but then he stops and smells. walks fast then stops. not sure how much exercise that is

    1. my daughters are fast walkers and it is hard for me to keep up with them when we shop. I need to do better! Happy Weekend.

  3. Slow day today. πŸ™‚ I may even take a nap!

    1. funny thing...I never take a nap during the day, but there are plenty of days that I know I need to.. Enjoy this beautiful day.

  4. I feel you on the slow walk :) Maybe not burning as many calories, but it does the heart and mind even better. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Sometimes it is just good to not worry about the calories and enjoy a nice soft walk...It worked great for my mind.

  5. I’ve always been a fast walker and tend to do things too fast which I’m trying to slow down since that’s how accidents happen. (Falls, stubbed toes, etc) I am taking the time to slow it down and observe the world around me - on being more mindful. Fall is a good time to do that!

    1. Strange as it might sound, I actually feel better walking fast. However, I noticed that I miss a lot when I do walk with speed

  6. Every day is a great day to be happy, Shug. Yes, if we walk too quickly, we miss so much beauty along the way. Blessings!

    1. There is so much beauty in the small things around us. Thank you Lord.

  7. This is exactly what my doctor suggested. (When I used hip pain as my excuse for not purpose walking, that is.) Two out of three can't be ignored, right? Thanks for the prompt!

    1. even though my walk was slow....I could feel it last night when I went to bed. got up and soaked in an epson salts bath. Isn't that terrible

  8. Oh, I loved this post, Shug, as visiting nature is a must in my life. It's so peaceful and calms the mind and body. I'm glad you got to spend some time taking a walk, seeing the flowers and the changing leaves. How special that you saw a nickel on the green grass. I think treading slowly or walking fast are great forms of exercise. Have a lovely weekend, my dear friend.


    1. **love the polka dot side bars. I'm a polka dot girl too! ; )

    2. Aren't they fun! I've always like polka dots

  9. Replies
    1. I am not good at slowing down, so I need to post a reminder on my ref to slow down.

  10. That's the way I like to take a walk too. Slow and able to see what's there.
    Perfect thoughts for this week.

    1. Thank you Sue. I had a good walk and since I did, I decided to do it again today.

  11. What a meaningful post today, I love it! I am old and very slow due to multiple bone problems. But there are so many benefits of being slow. We notice things that others who are always in a rush do not!

    1. My chiropractor told me one time, that it isn't about how fast you walk, you just need to walk to keep the bones from freezing up...

  12. I stroll also..or limp along...a slow limp. Everyone else is in such a hurry...I see things that they miss:)

    1. I sometimes limp as well... Actually I was walking slower due to my foot hurting, but I was Blessed by so many things that I saw.

  13. A stroll is good for body and mind! I agree, it's a good day to be happy!

    1. Hi Mari...It was a good day to be happy. We all have so many things to rejoice about.

  14. I love this post! Both kinds of walks are good, for different reasons. We get to choose. I'm glad I found you (from Mad Snapper's) and am adding you to my reader app. ❤️

    1. You are right...I need to be walking for exercise, but on this particular day, I decided that a nice soft walk would be great. Thank your for visiting me...I am always excited to meet new blogging friends.

  15. I love the idea of your walk. We rush so much and miss so much. By slowing down, you are stopping and smelling all the roses and seeing what God has put out there.

    1. There are so many small things that we miss because we live in a hurried world. I actually was able to stop and smell some beautiful red roses.

  16. Replies
    1. I can only imagine how sweet it is to walk in the forest area. We live in town and unless I go to the Farm, I don't usually get to walk through the tree areas.


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