Monday, October 14, 2024



Hey Y'all

Well....Monday has arrived hasn't it? 

Some of you have asked how many children I have.  I have two Beautiful daughters, Trista and Shanda.  And then, I have two wonderful Son-in-laws!

Sam and I have six grandchildren.  Four grandsons and two granddaughters.  

Tyler is 28, Tucker 26, Carson 23, Tori 23, Trey 21 and Mylee 16.  Tyler and Tucker are married and their wives are Emalee and Emily.  Carson has a finance and her name is Emily.  Trey has a girlfriend and Tori has a boyfriend.  Mylee is just enjoying her Junior year of High School.  We also have three great-grandchildren.  Keelan, Emersyn, and William.  

I have two is married and the other one is not.  


Saturday afternoon, I went shopping with my daughters (Trista and Shanda) to try to find me some new jeans.  

Listen ladies and guys too.... When shopping for jeans, you have to try them on!!  Just because they are tagged a certain size, does not mean that they will fit.  I think I tried on about 6 or 7 pair of jeans and found 2 that were the correct size.  

Have you shopped for jeans lately?  Wow....some of the styles are WAY OUT THERE!!   They have gone from Skinny to 

W-I-D-E  legged jeans, and from low waisted hip huggers, to being HIGH waisted.  

  Trista and I were laughing because one pair that I tried on looked like I had on a Denim Skirt!  Seriously....the legs were not only large, but they flared out.  NOT FOR ME!

After looking for jeans, I shopped for tops.  What in the World????  

I mean, we live in TEXAS!  One of the hottest 🌶 states in the USA.  What I found was stacks of sweaters and sweat shirts.  This hot natured lady cannot wear sweaters.  I came home with NO tops! 


So.....Sam and I have been invited to a Halloween Party.  A "Dress Up" Halloween party.  

What are we going to wear??

To Be Continued.......

Happy Monday!  


  1. I haven't been clothes shopping in ages!

  2. I need some jeans so badly too. I am just not built like the designers have made them. I either look like a Lumpa, lumpa (from a cartoon) or like I was just dumpster diving! That being said, I have no new jeans that fit me.
    You have such a lovely large family.
    I can't wait to see what your costumes will be.

  3. Ha Ha... I hear you about shopping for clothes. Soon I will be going naked, it is hard to find clothing that fits correct. Ha Ha! I am short, so that does not help.

    Cannot wait to see what you both will be for your Halloween Party. :-)

  4. I hear you about jean shopping, Shug. I finally found a brand that fits me just right, so I order the same style and size on the internet when I need new ones. Thanks for all the family info you've shared here, too. Blessings!

  5. Oh Shug. I can imagine how frustrating it was looking for jeans and tops. Glad you found two pairs of jeans, at least! How fun that you and your honey got invited to a Halloween party. Can't wait to see what you wear. I loved reading about your sweet family. WOW! You have great-grandchildren, too! You must have married very young. Congratulations! I love your header, Shug. Thanks so much for being a dedicated and faithful blog friend. I just love that you visit and comment, too. You are awesome. Sincerely, Susan from Writing Straight from the Heart.

  6. First, I love your header. the addition of the poppy really makes it so cool!! I have bemoaned the fact for years that there is no standard for clothes sizing! Say, a size14 can be many different sizes according to brand and country of origin. This drives me nuts! I want to see you and Sam in your costumes!!

  7. I’m always in between sizes. One size is too snug and the next size up is too big. So I wear my clothes till they practically fall off me. I do have fairly new jeans I will wear this fall and winter but I’m not in love with them. I just can’t find the perfect jeans anymore. I buy a lot of my tops on Amazon and have had good success. But yeah, you have to try on jeans. Then you have to make a guess whether or not they will shrink!

  8. Thank you for sharing about your family - I probably asked. I love to know - hope I remember it all.
    Blue jeans - I hate shopping for them. I can never get anything to fit me. Very frustrated but I am excited you found two pairs.
    I can't stand sweaters either - I am also run hot.

  9. I need to get some new jeans and pants. Not looking forward to it.

  10. Hi Shug~ Amen! I hate shopping for jeans! I have a friend who told me that she was coming to get me to help me find a new pair of jeans (she was most likely tired of seeing me in the same pair! ) We did find a few pair, and it was HARD! Good luck with the tops. We will be in the 50's by the end of the week, so I could use a few of those sweaters please ;0) I'm looking forward to seeing your costumes!! Hugs, Barb

  11. I am with you on the tops, I like layers...a cotton top that I can add a sweater to if necessary...I have a few sweater type tops that I save for 20 below zero days:) I have not shopped for jeans for awhile...i wouldn't want wide legged ones either!

  12. I am new to your blog, but this made me laugh :) I recently went up a size in jeans (first time in years) and I'm old enough not to care, as long as I'm comfy. And tops? uggg...can't seem to find a style that looks good and feels good, so I'm still running around in t-shirts. Now I know why my mom's closet had so many t-shirts when I was growing up. Anyway, I'm enjoying your blog. Hope you don't mind a new follower :)

  13. Bahaha! I was shopping for jeans yesterday. Yes, those wide legs are not for me. And they aren't just in jeans. I think I look ridiculous in them.
    As for tops, you should come to Michigan to shop. I'm freezing and can't find sweatshirts! :)

  14. Oh, I feel for you, Shug, looking for jeans to wear. There are so many different kinds out there. Thankfully, I just buy the ones I always wear that fit nicely - Lee's Classic Fit. They are the best. I'm surprised to hear you can't wear sweaters, even in Winter? I enjoyed reading a little about your family members. Looking forward to seeing what you are wearing to the party!

    Have a wonderful October week, Shug.


  15. Trying again! For some reason, my comments done on my desktop just disappear. Thank you for 'fleshing out' your family tree for us newcomers to your blog. I used to loathe jeans shopping until Terri told me about leggings. Have you tried FDJ brand? They're a bit pricy and difficult to find everywhere, but I order online and Amazon is so easy about returns.


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