Thursday, October 24, 2024

Ghost hugs today


Are you a Hugger??

I am ..... and giving someone a hug is natural for me!  We give lots of hugs in my family, and I grew up getting big hugs from my Mom, Dad, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and People in general.  

There are comforting hugs, romantic hugs, BEAR HUGS (which I love to give my grandkids)
greeting hugs, I've missed you hugs, and basically what ever you want it to be HUGS!

Oh...Yes.....some hugs can be FAKE!

Sadly, COVID created (NO hugs) for a good while.

There is really a lot of power in a good ol' Hug. 
How good it feels to be hugged when you feel sorrow.  This kind of hug lets you know that you are not alone...there are people there for you, caring for you. 

I think that a hug is much more than just the physical act of hugging.  A good hug brings comfort, warmth, love and I am guessing it even will boost serotonin in the brain.  EXACTLY WHAT I NEED....I am always looking for ways to increase Natural. serotonin in my brain.  

I have a sweet neighbor that always gives me a hug, and even though I know that her hugs are genuine, she gives STIFF hugs.  
  Her body is stiff and her head is always tilted back not to get too close.  lol.

Whatever kind of hugger you are, it is important to understand that you have to respect the boundaries of those you are hugging.  After all, not everyone finds a physical hug comfortable.  

I'm sending out a BIG Ghost hug to all of you today.  For those who love hugs....I hope you feel it.  For those who do not like hugs....this ghost hug will be kind enough to just speak with words...that I hope you have an Amazing Day.  

Shug. 👻


  1. Oh, thank you for my hug this morning. I loved it. I come from a family of huggers too. Plenty of hugs at church and when I meet some friends. I know I have bothered some people because hug but I tend to do it anyway. Its my way of showing love . I like your definition of the different kinds of hugs..that's right on. My son Steve is a Bear Hug kind of guy.

    1. Hey Sue. You are so welcome. My grandsons are bear huggers as well...I guess it's just something our big ol' guys like to do. Makes me happy that the guys are not afraid to hug.

  2. I have never been much of a hugger and am less so now. There is a new stronger strain of Monkeypox found in Germany, along with the two cases of Marburg (Ebola) that were found among train passengers in Germany. Both stories went silent, not to mention whatever is going on with Avian flu in bioweapons labs, so when someone brings up hugs the only thing I think of is "Nope"

    1. you are many things that we have never heard of, going around these days. Always great to keep it safe.

  3. Thank you for the hug. I like hugs to a point, but with all the germs out there and how sick I get with just a cold in my chest - I am more comfortable with not really hugging. It goes right away into bronchitis and pneumonia.
    One of my grandsons has sensory issues and just couldn't hug for the longest time - but he has learned to give a quick one and it is accepted.

    1. I have the same issues with bronchitis and pneumonia. I have bronchitis at least a couple times a year. mostly in the Spring and then in the Fall. Many people have the sensory issues and this is one thing that is important to keep in mind when offering a hug.

  4. Love the ghost hug! I wasn't raised by a family of huggers .... but I got here as fast as I could! Thanks for the cautionary, "Curb your enthusiasm." Sometimes I can't help myself, lol.

    1. Lol...I do love hugs and sometimes I hug before I even take the time to read what the other person might feel about hugs.

  5. Yes I give those I love hugs:) Ghost hugs are good too..through the magic of the internet...sending you a hug now!

    1. Thanks ou for my sweet magical hug. Isn't it amazing the things that the internet can

  6. You make me feel it, Shug. Sending a big squeeze right back at you!!

    1. Thanks Ginny... a good ol' hug is the BEST

  7. I'll always take a hug :) But I'm sometimes that awkward person who isn't sure if the other person wants one, so I hang back and then feel bad that I didn't hug them when they walked in :) Overthinking is my superpower :) hahaha

    1. True never know how the other person feels about hugs.

  8. Interesting post. I only hugs those I know well or we have a connection. Hugs can be misunderstood. I don’t hug those of the opposite sex unless I know their wife and even then, I would have to know them well. Years ago, as a divorcee, I noticed for the first time, hugs from some men in church that were a bit too invasive. I stopped all of that and when I’d see them approaching, I’d give them the “side hug”. They eventually got the hint! I do enjoy a good hug and will accept yours gladly!

  9. Oh my gosh, I think we are kindred spirits. I am a hugger too! I think I got it from my dad, who was also a hugger. It's true what you said about respecting the boundaries of those you are hugging, cause some people are just not huggers. And that's Ok.
    And with all germies going on in the world, it makes sense. That is sweet of your neighbor to always give you a hug. I absolutely love that first picture. Right back at ya, Shug.



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