Saturday, September 14, 2024

 Whew....what a day it has been!

Mylee was chosen as High School "Homecoming Representative" out of the Junior Class.  

Homecoming MUMS in Texas....

Today was shopping day!!! 
 Shanda, Trista, Mylee, Emma (Mylee's friend) and myself.....we headed into town to shop for a long formal dress and shoes for this occasion.  

Mylee must have tried on at least 15 or so dresses, but the one shown in the above picture was the very first one she tried on.  

And....this is the one she chose!!

Why did I not take a picture of the front of the dress?  I do not know!

We finished shopping for the dress, and then it was lunch time.  The five of us made our way just around the corner from the dress shop and stopped in at FD's to grab lunch.

Their food is so good and the atmosphere of the restaurant is very nice.

If you have never heard of Texas Homecoming mums, then you must google and read about them...  Some are massive and some are a lot more reasonable.  I think I wrote a post on them last year.  They can range anywhere from $500.00 in cost, down to around $75.00

The "Homecoming Representatives" do not wear mums during the coronation ceremony. They are mostly worn the day of homecoming and during the game.     Mylee said she did not want a MUM this year.....!!  
I was surprised.  

She will actually have two dresses for Homecoming.  

The long formal turquoise dress is for the coronation and the dress below is for the dance on Saturday night.  

After lunch, we spent the next hour and half, at the for shoes.

These are the shoes for the red dress..
Mylee loved these!

Here are the shoes for her long gown.  Of course...she had to select a shoe with a heel that would not go through the field Astro Turf. stiletto shoes.  

After shopping, we made a stop at the Memory Care Center to visit my Father-in-law.  
He is doing great - Much better than expected.

Then, it was time to Head Home.  

I sure enjoyed our shopping trip today.  I love the bonding time we have on days like this.  

My feet are now propped up as I write this post.  Hope you all have had a Beautiful day. 



  1. I'm so glad to hear about your father-in-law!!! I love the shoes and the red dress! The blue one is a pretty color as well. Why did she not want a mum?

    1. Thank you for commenting on the dresses. Mylee is so active and she actually has an early game that day...she might possibly be able to wear a mum for only a couple of hours...she said she just did not want one this year.

  2. Hi Shug~ Oh my goodness! Mylee will look so beautiful in both dresses, and she'll make a wonderful representative! When you posted about the, Homecoming Mums, I looked it up. It is just fascinating! Nothing like that here in Idaho ;0) Good news about your father in law! Hugs, Barb

    1. Good morning sweet Barb. thank you for your kind remarks. Homecoming mums are such a huge thing here in Texas and some of the mums themselves, can totally cover a girl up. I honestly think the smaller ones look much better. I have made literally hundreds of mums and the expense of making them has really become way too expensive.

  3. I did not know schools still do the Mum thing for Homecoming. I was in high school to my senior year in 1962, everyone wore the mums similar to this to the homecoming game each year. that was over 60 years ago. now I am wondering if the school in Savannah still does this. both dresses are beautiful and how she can dance in those shoes is amazing to me. what a fun outing

    1. I remember when I was in school, even our moms wore short mums to the Homecoming Football game. The flowers were all fresh cut flowers at that time. Now, they are fake mums and can be made way ahead of time. I'm guessing Mylee will wear the high shoes into the dance and wishing a short time, will be slipping on her shiny tennis shoes.

  4. Such lovely dresses and shoes. I had no idea there was such a thing as Homecoming Mums, nice idea, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend.

    1. Thank you for the Sunday Wishes. When I was in school, the mums were real flowers...Now they are all the fake flowers with lots of ribbon, trinkets, and even boa's.

  5. What fun to go out shopping for a dress and heels, I hope she has a fun time:)

    1. Thank you so much. Mylee is very outgoing and she seems to enjoy friends, life, family and even school. I have been so surprised to learn that so many of my blog friends have never heard of them.

  6. I’ve never heard of homecoming mums. I noticed the emphasis on “homecoming representatives” is that a gender neutral thing? We called them queens and kings back in my day and when my sons were in school 25 years ago. My goodness how things change.

    1. Hi Debby.. You have to google and read about is a huge thing here in Texas. Honestly, some of the mums are ridiculously huge. The guys buy the big mum for the girls, and then the girls buy a garter that looks like a mini mum for the guys. The guys wear theirs on their arm.

  7. How exciting for Mylee! I'm so glad you could go shopping with all of them for her special dresses and shoes. Blessings!

    1. Thank you Martha...I love that they invite me to go shopping...and I didn't even pay this time! LOL 😂

  8. Yeay Mylee ... congratulations! I'm so glad to see Homecoming Mums are still a thing in Texas. I only had one while in college, but loved the tradition. Now, however, whenever I mention them people look at me like, what in the world are you talking about?

    1. They are still a big thing here in Texas. Florist make a LOT of MONEY during Homecoming season.

  9. So, tell me, is Mylee your daughter or granddaughter. She is beautiful. I can't believe the expense y'all had to go to. Two dresses and two shoes! Well you only live once. Congrats to her. I have never heard of a Homecoming Mum. Oh those were the days.

    1. Mylee is my youngest granddaughter. I have two granddaughters and 4 grandsons. She attends a private school...(same school her mom teaches at)...and honestly, things are more expensive there. The good news is....our oldest granddaughter has two formal weddings to attend, and she is going to borrow Mylee's gold shoes, and possibly the turquoise dress. Oh yes...Homecoming mums are a huge thing in Texas.

  10. Wow, Texas Mums are elaborate! And quite expensive. Mylee's dresses are pretty. What a fun shopping day to look for dresses. Now, I'm not sure what a Homecoming Representative is? We are a bit different in California. They are called Homecoming Princess here. And I'll always remember the Mums because they used to sell them during the football season. They were simple, sweet, and BIG! I'm glad Mylee found the perfect dress for Homecoming. I hope she has a night to remember!


    1. ps.....I'm so glad to hear your father-in-law is doing well, Shug.


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