Monday, September 23, 2024

GPS Systems

 It hasn't been that long ago when none of us had to rely on GPS. GPS was not available to us. 

Now days, we all depend on GPS to help us navigate the complexities of everyday life.  I cannot tell you how many trips Sam and I have been on, where we have gotten lost.....because we (as in ME) could not read the road map correctly.  

A few years ago, Sam and I were traveling in Tennessee and all we had was one of those old road maps.   I was reading the map to start with, and giving Sam the directions, only to have Sam pull over,  stop the car and look at the map himself.    We traveled down a highway, which turned into a two lane road, which turned into an asphalt road, which turned into a gravel road.   It was getting dark, and all I could think about was us having to spend the night down in the boonies. we were looking around, the major highway that we were originally looking for was about a hundred yards away....but it was UP a hill and we had no access to it.  We had to travel back about 10 miles to reach the highway.  


Just as we rely on GPS to navigate the physical world, there is a deeper need for a moral and spiritual compass to guide us through life's challenges and uncertainties.  God's guidance is always available to us, even when we stray from the path that he has planned for us.  

I know that there are many times when we set our eyes on the direction we WANT to go....much like Sam and I did.  In life the same level of trust (that we put in a GPS system) is available to us in Trusting God for HIS direction for our lives.   God is our Ultimate Guide!  HE is always ready to recalibrate our course and lead us in the right direction.  

How often do you use your GPS system? 

How often do you seek God for the broader journey of life that He has planned for you?



  1. Hello Friend, I have been praying for God to help me keep focused on Him, not the outside world. A lot of anxiety... I just need to focus on Him.
    Thank you for this post my friend!

  2. Well, I'm a bit of a gypsy and don't use GPS, but I seem to get to where I'm going. And my son is excellent with directions, if I'm ever traveling with him. This is a wonderful reminder that God gets us to our destination, and I do believe that He guides us to exactly where we are meant to be. Thank you very much for this post today, Shug. Needed to hear it.

    Have a splendid week.


  3. My mind went in a little different direction - I do hope that God is driving America's GPS. I know he drives mine.

  4. I totally agree. When we have plans, we need to know if they are our plans, or God's plans for us! We cannot see ahead like God can! We use Waze on our cell phones and it works really well. We use it quite a bit, last time was to find our granddaughter's new college dorm.

  5. I often wonder what it would be like to give a 20- or 30-year-old a map and ask them to travel somewhere like a specific address in a strange town. It would be hilarious!

  6. This is a fantastic analogy, Shug! When God is our guide, and we look to Him for direction, we can never go wrong. God's Positioning System - I love that!

  7. Morning Shug, thanks for coming by and leaving your sweet comment. Yes, GPS is a great thing when it works, and a very good analogy, and so thankful
    God's GPS always works!! My hubby uses his GPS all the time, sometimes even when we know where we are going!! lol
    Hope you are having a good start to your week hon,
    Blessings, Nellie


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