Monday, August 5, 2024

Positive Daydreaming!!

 It is perfectly healthy for us to daydream.  Escaping to a different place, in our dreams, allows us to temporarily detach from reality, reducing stress and anxiety.  

There are actually many positive aspects of daydreaming.  No surprise to anyone reading this, that we live in a very fast-paced, stress-laden world.  I am almost certain that my teachers at school referred to my daydreaming as MIND Wandering!!  I will confess that I did a lot of this.

Like....if I was in Math class, my mind might wander to what I was going to do when I got home from school.  First thing, was, I was going to kick off my shoes and go barefoot. 

I find that when I daydream, I am usually creating something in my mind.  Many times, I have been sitting out on the porch, listening to the birds chirping and watching the hummingbirds, while at the same time, daydreaming about the flowerbed I saw while on vacation.  Thinking about where I could fit one like that in my backyard.  If I'm not creating something new for the yard, then I am most likely daydreaming of a new vacation spot to travel to.  

Listen, I am really good with the vacation planning.  Perhaps I should have been a travel agent.  

My backyard flowers.

If you really think about it, daydreaming acts as a catalyst for creative expression.  I have a lot of creative thoughts, which come from those "Aha" moments when I daydream.  I recently had one of those "Aha" moments and decided I wanted to add a rock walkway beside our greenhouse, with a short painted fence (like the one I posted a couple weeks ago) between the greenhouse and the walkway.  Maybe I will add these things next Summer...?


Daydreams are where thoughts blossom and ideas flourish!  Use your imagination to dream BIG!  God knows every thought that we have, and it is in these quiet times that we are able to see God's plans for our life as he speaks to us through our dreams.  

An unplanned journey through your thoughts can yield the greatest treasures.  I find spiritual Joy through daydreaming.  

Today, Be a magnet for positivity!  🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼




  1. Your post reminded me of my elementary school days when I would just stare out the window daydreaming and not hearing a thing the teacher said. Nowadays, by daydreaming is more creative, coming up with blog ideas, stories and projects to work on.

  2. I have never seen a butterfly like this. Your pool are is always so gorgeous looking! Like a mini paradise. When I am doing not much, I do like to daydream, and that is when I come up with all kinds of ideas and solutions! I think it is because our mind is free from doing any other activity.

  3. I used to be a big daydreamer as a child and as a teenager. My head was always in the clouds! I don't daydream like I did as a child. Sad.

  4. I believe I daydreamed throughout High School classes...especially English. I can still daydream... hope you can too:)

  5. I love your Remember..... words, Shug. So special. And that butterfly is very unique and pretty. Here's to the daydreamers of the world!



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