Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Real Winner

I mean seriously......are these not the most beautiful Mimosa Blooms? 

Our Mimosa tree is really showing out this year.  This particular tree is a new patented Mimosa tree.  Most mimosa trees have light pink blooms, however, this one has deep, rich pink blossoms.  A real winner this year!

Happy Mother's Day to each of you beautiful ladies.  Hoping you have the very Best Day...🌼🌼🌼🌼


Mylee's team won the State Championship in softball!!!

Real Winners!!

We traveled to Arlington on Friday for their first game.  They won this first game, 11-1
Saturday..... the next game was at 1:30.
This is the same team that we played last year at the State Tournament.

What a GREAT tournament it was!!


My Mother's Day meal this morning!
Our daughters took us out to eat this morning for Brunch at "Twelve."  This is a fabulous restaurant....very popular in our area.  

In Memory of my Mom and Sam's Mom.

These two ladies were the BEST.  Such strong Christian ladies with hearts bigger than TEXAS.




  1. The Mimosa blooms are beautiful. What a striking color. Your breakfast looks delicious, and so special of your daughters to take you out. Yaaay, for Mylee's team! And I LOVE that last quote. It's so true, and reminded me of giving my kids the center piece of the pie or cake as I take the ends. ; )

    Happy Mother's Day, Shug. What a sweet post this was, and that bright Pink had me smiling. : )


  2. Happy Mother's Day Shug! Your Mimosa tree is a beauty!!

  3. You look so much like your Mom. I have never seen a mimosa tree with such a deep, intense color! Your breakfast looks wonderful! Congrats to Mylee and the team!!!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........