Friday, March 15, 2024

Old Country Road

 Peace and Quite, along with undeniable beauty is the true meaning of living in the Country!!

I truly am a country girl through and through.  Flip flops are my best friends and the only thing that could be better than FF's, is to be barefooted.  I love not having to wear  shoes!  Of course, I only do this around our home!

I took the above picture about a week ago.  I have traveled down this road many, many times and others just like it in our area.  My thoughts raced back in time, to when my brothers, my sister, our cousins and I,  would race down these same roads......the only difference was that they were dirt/sandy roads back then.  

We explored the ditches of these old roads and would swing on the huge grape vines that would hang from the trees.  This was LIFE!  

We live in a small town, where we are surrounded by country roads, trees, water filled branches, tractors,  farms, pigs, cows, horses, ponds, a big lake and all kinds of weird noises being made by the creatures in the woods.  I wouldn't change anything about this kind of living. 

The smell of fresh cut grass, hearing the birds sing, watching the squirrels run from tree to tree, seeing the lightning bugs at night, hearing the coyotes yell, and experiencing the pure beauty of Mother Nature, sure makes for a peaceful way to live.  

We can pick our own blackberries, our own figs and grow our own produce all while taking in the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle, covering a fence line just a few feet away.  And I can't forget about fishing!

We all love to fish in the family lake!

There is absolutely no other life that can compare to simple country living.   

The best thing is passing all these old country things down to our kids and grandkids!  They love it too!!

Thankful for the Country Living that we have!



  1. Your descriptions are so beautiful and evocative!! And I totally agree.I need to put your descriptions on my fridge so I don't forget to be thankful for them and seek them out. We live in the semi-country and I adore the lightening bugs, birds singing. Your photo is gorgeous and makes me think of the light at the end of the tunnel.

  2. Yes, country living is a lovely way to live. Living in the mountains is similar, only the elevation is higher, and we get snow. Your Header picture of the country road is so pretty, Shug. And it's so nice that you can pass this simple way of life onto your grandkids. Love that last picture of their hands feeling the earth. ; ) The fireflies must be really neat to see too. And there's nothing like picking blackberries from a bush.


  3. We will be headed to our country home about April 1, being close to Doctors and hospitals is great during the winter when we have snow storms.

  4. Love this post! The country life is the only way to live. I could not imagine living any other way. I still go barefoot whenever I can. People think I am nuts.


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