Monday, March 23, 2020

Oh y'all........ I have been so excited about our planned cruise to Alaska!

Sam and I, along with several of our High School friends, were scheduled to set sail on July 2nd, for this cruise, as well as a visit to Vancouver.  

Needless to say, we all decided that we needed to hold off on taking a cruise this we Cancelled.   


Just to think.....for the past 4 months, I have been stressing over a rain jacket to take on the now (Cancelled) cruise.

I have searched the internet....I must have looked at least a 100 jackets.   They all were either to heavy, not heavy enough, didn't come in my size, or where just simply not what I was looking for.

I found cute rain jackets for Trista and Shanda (my daughters) and bought them each one.  They have loved them!

A rain jacket is a rain jacket.....RIGHT?
As long as it keeps you dry, that is all that counts!  


I needed A.................

#1.  Cute and Colorful rain coat
#2.  a Jacket that was comfortable
#3.  one that would serve multiple purposes
#4.  Not too heavy, not too light

About a month ago, I finally found one that I liked.

This one is super comfy and not too heavy, not too light.

BUT doesn't really matter, does it?  I did all that fretting over nothing.  While it is true that I now own the Perfect Rain Jacket....I'm kinda sad, that I allowed something like this to consume so much of my time.  

Lesson learned!!



  1. This virus puts so many things in perspective. Now, nothing seems very important compared to this battle. The rain jacket is so YOU! Colorful and beautiful! Your header is gorgeous!

  2. Sorry to hear that you had to cancel your trip, but it seems like the right thing to do. I hope you get to wear that stylish raincoat somewhere else.

  3. HA HA ---so now you have the perfect rain jacket... When you all get to take that cruise in the future, you'll have that jacket waiting for you. BUT---knowing you, it won't be the "Perfect" Jacket when that happens... You will fret and fret --looking for the NEW MORE PERFECT jacket to take on the cruise... ha ha ha ha

    You will have to read my Facebook Post today... I am working on Family History --and while reading about my Dad's 'hard' life ---it made me wonder why I'm complaining about things being closed, and about us not finding some of the items in the stores we want, etc. etc. etc. (Kinda puts life in perspective!!!!)


  4. I think when we go on trips we want cute things to wear.
    Plus since we aren't home to "go get" anther jacket we have to have the one want think we need.
    If you got it then I would wear it every time it rains. ; )

    M : )

  5. So sorry about the trip cancelation, Shug, your rain jacket is lovely, it will be perfect when you do take the trip, I do relate of over stressing over things, at least you now have the rain jacket taken care of plus the girls now have theirs.
    Have a blessed day,


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