Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Joy becomes our laughter when we fill our cup with friendships and love!!

What makes you happy? MANY things make me happy!  Happiness is a big word with so many opportunities to help us live a better life!  

Is happiness an ALL DAY...EVERY DAY happening?  The simple answer is No.  Life happens and situations happen which can distort our laugher and joy!

For the most part....I wake up each day, determined to find every possible avenue of happiness to help make my day, become a winner!!

My cup of happiness was overflowing today!!  I had the awesome pleasure of having lunch with three of my best friends.  

I couldn't believe how quickly timed passed...

We met around beat the lunch crowd, and two hours and forty-five minutes later....we were just finishing up!   NO, NO, ....
we were not eating all that time.....We were visiting!

We laughed and laughed some more.....enjoyed a wonderful meal...
talked about making a trip to see the gorgeous Texas Bluebonnets.

We laughed some more....and talked about AGING and the wrinkles thing!  

It was a great day....filled with happiness and much JOY!

hugs to you all....
Shug 🌹


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time. Good friends and laughter make time fly.

  2. You are THE cutest group of gals!! And you all look so fun loving.

  3. Hi Shug!

    Sounds like a wonderful day filled with love and laughter...the best kind. There's nothing like an old friend. XOXOX

    Hugs and Love,


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