Thursday, March 8, 2018

Baseball....... My Favorite Sport!

Are any you big Baseball fans?   I enjoy everything about this sport!  And.....I especially enjoy the game, when my grand babies are playing!

#18 plays for the Brownsboro Bears and
this guy.......Eat, Sleeps, and Breathes

He just so happens to be our #3 grandson!

Ever since he was a little boy, he has loved the game!
If we ask him a question about any Professional player or game, he knows the answer.  Even about games or players who played way back before I was born.

Carson is our grandson that was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes about a month ago.   Even though he has had some really bad days with his body trying to adjust to the insulin shots....he has still been able to play baseball.

There have been a couple of games that he played, when he felt terrible.....but he has so much determination in him, and he did not allow his diabetes prevent him from playing. 

I am super Proud of him!

When I say I love baseball.....this means that I love toting the lawn chair....toting my big bag full of jackets and blankets....making sure I have snacks packed for the kids.....sitting out in Cold, Windy weather....OR....sitting out in temperatures that exceed 98 degrees...sweating and red faced.....
AND, sometimes driving over a hundred miles to watch my grandkids play ball..

Life is Good....
and so is Baseball....

Shug ⚾


  1. Nothing much more fun than watching your kids play sports or be in plays. I think this is so good for his confidence, and also healthy and working as a team. LOVE this header!!

  2. Yep, baseball is my fave too, love it, esp. the Chicago Cubs! We were always involved with baseball when the boys were young, husband coached, I was scorekeeper for a couple of years. Our younger son knew all the stats of players also, like your grandson.

    I think I've told you he has been diabetic since he was 8 years old, gave himself shots from the very beginning, and played baseball and other sports all through school. He's 43 now and doing well, with a 7-year-old son. He checks his blood many times during the day and takes several shots a day, does not want an insulin pump, etc. He watches his diet closely!

    Here's wishing your grandson good luck and a good time playing baseball!


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