Monday, January 22, 2018

Good morning......

This was my view for most of  all last week.  Isn't it beautiful?
I sure enjoy going to all of the Nursery shows.   There are so many gorgeous flowers, shrubs and trees.   There were several booths filled with succulents.   I am becoming a big fan of the small little succulents.   

I only have one problem with these shows......I want to bring EVERYTHING home! the truth is....I did bring some home!

blooms from the lemon tree we purchased.

Our trip home was heavenly.....we enjoyed the sweet fragrance of these blooms all the way home.   It was 8 1/2 hours of our car being filled with such sweetness.

I looked out on the porch yesterday, and there must have been at least 50 bees all over this plant.  Oh my...can you imagine their happiness of finding these blooms, after last weeks snow?

We also brought home an avocado tree that is full of blooms and an Orange tree....also full of blooms!




  1. Wow, a Meyer lemon tree! Around here, you can only get Meyer lemons a couple months of the year. I love them, and have a bag in the fridge now. I have never seen the blooms before. So now you are also helping to sustain the bees!

  2. I spend so much money on avocados that I need my own tree! lol Your purchases sound wonderful to me. I am already looking forward to spring.

  3. Beauties for sure! I love plants but will have to wait until spring for all the shows, etc. I'd love a Meyer Lemon tree but would have to move South first. Thanks for the pretty pics, Shug!

  4. Good Morning, Where were you on your trip????? I'll bet that those Lemon Blooms did smell good in your car..... Can't wait to see how the Lemon Tree does at your home... We can't grow anything citrus up here --but oh, how I love fresh citrus!!!!! YUM....

    Your 'smell' reminded me of one of my favorite smells, Gardenia.... We can't grow them either ---but they smell heavenly when blooming...



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First Monday Trades Days

This past weekend when Sam and I traveled to Dallas, we passed through the town of Canton, Texas.   This town is famous for it's "F...