Monday, October 16, 2017

My header photo......was taken in one of my favorite places of all times.    Sam and I ate dinner a few weeks ago at the Gristmill in Gruene Texas.    

There is nothing fancy about this eating place.....just an old Mill, built on the side of a big hill, with all kinds of little landings that hold old wood picnic style tables.

I have eaten there several times and with each visit, I come away with a new memory.  This place offers the most relaxing time and the meal is always wonderful.   

I remember a time about 25 years ago....I had lunch at the Gristmill with a very good friend of mine.  We must have set there, on the edge of the hill....listening to the rushing river....for Hours!  The weather that day was absolutely the best and it was the most pleasant day.   This my friends, is a great memory.   

Other times....I have been there with Sam, and the enjoyment of our time together (while listening to that same river) and being totally engaged in the beauty of the landscape....has always made me feel so very content. 

This is a beautiful place to visit.....and I'm hoping to go back soon!!



  1. Ah---what a perfect place to eat, relax, take in the beauty, and just enjoy!!!! I love those kinds of places on the river like that.... IF I ever get to that area, I'll definitely check out that place. THANKS


  2. Love to build up memories at favorite places. I've got one in Tarrytown NY and joining two dear friends there for lunch today.

  3. It looks absolutely wonderful! Gorgeous and stress free. Back to simpler times.

  4. That is a beautiful spot to eat.I can totally understand how time would slip away when surrounded by such beauty.

  5. Hi Shug!

    I love those wonderful places where such good memories were made! Grist mills must just be famous for good food! One of my most treasured food memories was at a wonderful little grist mill, turned restaurant, called, The Cross-eyed Cricket, in Tennessee. It had the most amazing food, and I was with my husband, so the company wasn't bad either!

    Thanks for sharing, the photos are gorgeous!

    Hugs and Love,


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...