Monday, April 3, 2017

Let me tell you bout the Birds and the Bees

Let me tell you bout the birds and the bees....

Well....I've seen my first bumblebee of the season and I've also seen the first June Bug for the year.   Wow, Spring is moving right along.
I filled containers of Asparagus ferns, as well as some gorgeous Hibiscus today.  It's beginning to look Spring-E around here.

Several Red Birds have been out looking for their treats of sunflower seeds, and just this past weekend, we had two beautiful red headed woodpeckers jumping from tree to tree.

Spring is a spectacular Season!  Birds are singing, and new life is popping up all around.   Music is in the air with the buzzing of the honey bees.

New life is everywhere!  This little lady belongs to Trey.  It's the start to his dream of raising and selling cows.   

Isn't it amazing how Springtime and Nature gives us such a grand feast to complete our long waited hunger, for the fragrance of the season?  Did I mention that I love Spring?  I really do.

The Spring sunsets have been absolutely stunning as well.

I'll leave you all with this one last photo.  

A picture of me and Mylee Jo.    So many fun things to do in the Spring!!!



  1. Spring really is the best time of the year. We are a few weeks behind you, but the weather is really nice right now.

  2. You and Mylee Jo are the cutest! And the sky is gorgeous. But that TREE!! I love it, it must be very old. Red headed woodpeckers! I have never seen one in my life, only pictures.

  3. Oh Yes---I love spring also --but we are just now getting a little up here on the mountain.... I am sitting here with the house opened today. The wind is blowing the wind chimes. The birds are busy nesting and EATING at the Bird Kitchen. The sky is blue and the temperature is perfect (in the 70's)..... PERFECT in every respect.

    BUT ---there's always a but when it comes to the weather here... We are supposed to freeze/have a frost on Friday night... GADS... I hope not.. It could cause so much damage to the new growth...


  4. Spring is such a grand time of the year. The little calf is really cute. - Lovely sunset for sure and wow that tree is something else. So what are you & Mylee Jo doing there? It looked like fun.


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