Sunday, March 5, 2017 is cool and rainy outside today.  It's one of those "Stay inside and do nothing" kind of days.  I actually have plenty to do...but I'm just not really in the mood to do any of it. 

This past week was a super busy week for me. What did I do?  All kinds of Art work.  Tori is trying out for our school mascot this next week, so I was busy making all kinds of props for her.  The props are all so cute....and now it's completely up to her to show school spirit and lots of enthusiasm.   

Meanwhile.....Tucker had me working on another project.   Now get this...when I was in school (way back when)...if you had a boyfriend, it was just a given that the two of you would be attending the Prom together. Seems that things have changed big time since way back when.   

Now days, the guy has to some up with some unique way of asking his ALREADY girlfriend to go to Prom with him!!!!!  I remember working on a few projects for Tyler during his Prom day years.   

For Tucker's sweet girlfriend.....I made a "Prom Journal"

This is just a few pages out of the journal. He also gave her a big set of the gel markers so that she could use them as she journaled about the Prom!

AND....She did say YES to being his Prom Date!

In other news.....Today, March 5th is our Airman's 21st Birthday!!   Happy Birthday Tyler.

I am so very thankful for the sweet family who delivered the cookie cake to him, along with the balloons.  They also made him a big Happy Birthday sign.  It is very nice knowing that there are families out there that are willing to go out of their way to make an Airman's special day....feel special.  

Tori's tryouts are this week, so I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that she will make the BEAR!! 

Blessings to all on this Sunday...


  1. I am flabbergasted at this awesome journal!!! It is something she will keep forever and treasure over the years. It is an excellent idea! You are so beautifully crafty! I am hoping to see the bear soon! Happy Birthday Tyler, you are so handsome and brave!!

  2. You have been busy. I so often think that your family is richly blessed because they have you as grandmother and Mom.

  3. Wow! How times have changed. Can't imagine what it will be like when our 5 year old grandson goes to Prom! Good luck to you all!

  4. That Prom tradition was in Texas (south of you) several years ago... Guys did all kinds of crazy things to invite their gals to the prom... I remember my granddaughters posting neat things that their guys would do for them/give to them.... CREATIVE stuff for sure.

    Hope Tori gets to be a mascot. I'll bet she will make it since you have made her all kinds of props. NEAT.

    Love the Prom Journal... You are just so so so creative, Shug.



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