Saturday, July 16, 2016

Bored....I think not.

I must admit.....{it's} not as simple as you think!!   I'm talking about this blogging thing..

As you all know....I am BIG on family and therefore...most of my life, my post, is about family.   I think I've probably talked about each of them so much, that you all feel like you've known them for years!    And this is just one of the reasons that my "Blog" trash can is getting pretty full.    I'm trying to not "bore away" my followers!  LOL.


Speaking of boredom...I was talking to Trista today, and I told her that I sure hope God is not getting bored with my prayer life.   I've been on my knees a whole lot lately and I must admit.....I'm doing better about waking up at 3:00 or  4:00 a.m. with all kinds of prayer needs, on my heart.

I can only hope that Gods not saying: "Oh, it's you again!"

I know that God embraces all of our prayers.  It truly humbles me that I can bring all of my thoughts, my sorrows, my concerns to God, and He is willing to hear me and to offer His   tender Mercies and His amazing Grace toward me.

I love having an intimate relationship with God, which allows me to share the matters of my heart completely and so deeply with Him.

Thank you Lord, that your Love for me is perfect!  You never get bored and you are always longing for me to bring my needs, my thoughts, my praises to you...



  1. I am very thankful that God welcomes me each time I come to Him in prayer.God is so good.

  2. Shug, I feel the same way. Sometimes I think God is tired of hearing the same thing from me!

  3. Any time is a good time to pray to God. I hope you get some comfort and peace and are able to sleep better though. We don't need to worry....easier said than done, I know. Sweet hugs, Diane

  4. I sure needed that. Thank you!

  5. You have NEVER bored me! Your upbeat attitude ans wonderful bright colors are a joy to visit! Plus you are a strong woman of God! Your blog needs no changing.

  6. I am pretty sure that God is not tired
    of hearing from you.
    Sometimes we have more to say that others.

    Hope your Summer is going well and you are
    staying cool!

    M : )

  7. I am sure that God does not get tired of hearing from you.
    Sometimes we have more to say than other times.

    Stay cool!!

    M : )


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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