Monday, June 6, 2016

Good Morning everyone!  Thank you to all who have messaged me in regards to our safety.   We are not in the flood areas of Texas.  A huge portion of the flooding area is about 175 miles South of us.

My heart goes out to SO MANY who have lost SO MUCH.  Please keep the Texas folks in your prayers.


39 years ago {early in the morning}....I gave birth to our youngest daughter...Shanda Kay!

She has such a fun-loving personality!!

such a sweetheart....and she absolutely LOVES her sister!

I may get in a wee bit of trouble for posting these next two photos...  Shanda and her amazing Best Friend....Hallee Joan!

These two have been friends since their crawling years...

And can see that to go along with her Kind, sweet, adorable, loving heart.....

there is a fun loving crazy side to her as well...   !!!!

She's gonna for sure...get me!

Happy Birthday Shan.....

Love you!



  1. Hi Shug!

    Happy Birthday Shanda!!! She is so beautiful, just like her mama! I hope she has a wonderful birthday!

    Shug, I'm so glad that you are not in harms way. I just pray that the people who have had such devastating floods will be able to get back on their feet, and I pray for the families who have lost loved ones . . . so tragic.

    Have a fun day with your beautiful daughter!!


  2. I am so glad you are out of the way of the floods! Happy Birthday Shanda! You are beautiful, funny, and cool! The pictures are wonderful! My favorite is the first one; beautiful mom and daughter shot!! I also want both those shirts!

  3. Happy Birthday to Shanda! Glad to know you are not in the flood area.

  4. Happy Birthday to Shanda.I am guessing that in your family there is a lot of good-natured teasing,so you should be just fine with this post.

  5. Oh, you are in trouble now!!

    Fun, fun.

    M : )

    PS: Glad you are experiencing the flooding.

  6. What lovely daughter's you have. Hope they have many more happy birthday's to come.


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