Saturday, February 13, 2016

Gift Reveal....

...... How very Blessed I am to be able to spend year number 48 with my sweet Valentine..   Sam!

I remember our very first Valentine....and I still have the card that he gave me.  I actually have ALL of the Valentines that he gave me!  These are treasures to my heart!

Never....not once, has Sam ever forgot to get me a card and a gift for Valentines....or for any other special day!  He is truly the SWEETEST!!

I am so very excited to share with all of you....what Sam chose to give me this year for Valentine's Day.  

This year....Sam got me???

Well....let me just tell you, it is a gift that REVEALS ALL!  I know, I know....I was so super surprised! Shocked actually!

He bought me a gift that is WAY TOO REVEALING!   I guess it's a man thing!!!!!

I was kinda wondering if I should really post my gift or not...then I decided, what the heck!  This man loves me, so why not!!

Can you recognize what it is???

I didn't think so.  This is a picture of my new Valentine's T-shirt.   It says: "All you need is Love"

Are you ready for the reveal?

Here it is!!  A new Lighted Vanity mirror that magnify's 5 X's!!!!!!

I took one look in this mirror and was like.....Woah!!!!!

Oh shows EVERYTHING!  It shows every fine line...every hair that needs to be plucked...every single detail.  I could even see my blue eyes!!

Sam is a super good listener....a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I would love to have this mirror....I actually NEEDED this lighted mirror, as I can't really see the fine details when it comes to putting on my make-up or taking it off.

Was I delighted?  YES...super delighted!  

Thank you Sam....XOXO's

Wishing you all a Happy Valentines Day...




  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you.I know I don't need to remind you,but cherish each moment you get to spend with your Valentine.

  2. Hi Shug~

    Happy Valentine's Day! We all need a little "enlightenment" on occasion . . . hehehehe! What an awesome gift!!


  3. What a wonderful Sweetie you have, Shug..... I know you will enjoy that mirror... One of those things would haunt me at my old age.... ha ha

    At first, I thought your gift was going to be a new bicycle...... ha ... Love the t-shirt.

    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day --and give that Sweetie a big Tennessee HUG.


  4. We are both so blessed to be married to our sweethearts! Happy Valentines day! Hugs, Diane

  5. Sam sounds like such a great catch!

  6. I'm really impressed how you saved all those Valentines as a testament to your love. Happy Valentines Day a day late!

  7. Sounds like a great Valentine's gift! The best part is knowing that he was listening and remembered what you would like to have. That itself is a gift!
    Have a nice week!


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