Tuesday, February 2, 2016

          ~~   Don't you just love to pray when you're driving?  This may not be something that most of you do....but, I can sure tell you that Jesus takes the wheel for me all the time.

During my prayer time this morning....I found myself talking to God and trying to explain that the words just will not come from my mouth.   I was struggling to find the right words to pray!  

Have you ever had something that you have prayed about for so long.....and you NO longer know what to ask God for in regards to your specific prayer?

If it were me that I was praying for....I would be able to speak to God in detail for whatever it was that I needed prayer for.      BUT....when you are praying for another person...it is very difficult to understand what exactly it is that is causing them to be in the valley that they are in.

The human side of me does not understand when a LONG time prayer sees No answers, No change.  I have dissected this need into numerous different prayer request to God..... and I have  trusted God to answer my prayers. 

How could there possibly be anything else that I could ask God for on behalf of this person?  Believe me......I feel as if I have covered everything that I could possibly cover. I just must not be asking God for the right thing.

So.....in my prayers this morning.....I was trying so hard to communicate with God and to try to come up with some other request that would change the life of the one I was praying for.  

  I was almost to the point of frustration.....when finally, I just said: "Lord, I am at the end of my ropes in knowing what to Pray.   What is it that you need me to ask for?  What words am I not saying?"

I then just shut my prayer off.

Later this afternoon.....thoughts of this same person came to my mind again.     I tried to ignore the thoughts....but I had a heaviness upon me and I knew that I needed to come before God and try praying again.   Maybe this time it would be different since I was on my knees and not behind the wheel of my car.

You know what?  I didn't hear an audible voice from God telling me that He was going to answer a single one of my prayers....What I did hear, was God assuring me that HE has heard every single prayer (all 6,000) of them.

God also spoke to me that I need to Trust HIM.    God's timing is not my timing!

When I don't have the words to speak....I need only to Pray His Will.

I may never see answers to my prayers....but I do know that God's Grace and His Mercy are everlasting.



  1. Shug, you are such an inspiring person!

  2. I am so thankful that God hears EVERY prayer.I am even almost thankful that He has not answered some of them.I know His way is best,but that does not mean it's easy.
    Yes,I do pray when I'm driving and at many time throughout the day in various situations.

  3. Amen! I also pray a lot while I'm driving. I know God hears all our prayers no matter where we are. Have a great week, Shug!

  4. Some prayers have been answered and some have not, Shug..but the moto of the daughter I lost to cancer was "Never surrender, never give up!" She didn't. She left and went home to our Lord..but she visits me often. I hear her voice in my head..and sometimes I answer right out loud, and then smile at myself. When I think of my children..I think "seven" not "six" and I will always count her. She will always visit me and be there waiting for me in the not too distant future.
    You have faith, Shug, and that is so admirable in such a unpredictable world. Your prayers will be answered in an unexpected way. Not getting what we pray for is sometimes the answer. It's an interesting life, isn't it.

    Thank you for visiting. Your daughters are beautiful too...and yes, I am very excited about Wrenna's visit.
    Much love to you.

  5. Once we have expressed our concerns, I'm not sure we need to keep repeating them....He's in charge, and we have no control.

  6. Hi Shug~

    Beautiful thoughts today. I so agree that prayer can sometimes be frustrating. We are on, God's time-clock, and He knows what is best for us, and those we pray for. It's the waiting, the impatience, that mortal part of us that has so much trouble waiting for an answer! There are times that my prayers take years to be answered, but it's always the best outcome. Tender mercies will come sweet friend, keep praying... :0)

    Thanks for sharing today, I needed to hear exactly what you shared!


  7. Shug, I met your blog last year through Betsy (myfivemen.blogspot.com) and her RAK challenge.
    This year I'm organising it, so if you like, you can join in.
    Check out my blog for more info.

  8. The key is to always pray for God's WILL... That's not always the answer we want --but God does hear our prayers and God knows BEST what we need.....

    God Bless You, Shug.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Weather and Misc.

  Good Early morning sweet friends.   I got up a little early this morning.  I wanted to check on the Winter forecast for our next few days....