Monday, August 24, 2015

I went to sleep last night and when I woke up this's as if I became a "Princess."     

TODAY.....I turned "49" again !!

and my sweet, sweet husband has really outdone himself by making me feel like I'm the most important person in the world.  

This morning, I kinda took my time waking up.....I was soaking up as much rest as I could, before the day began.     And....I must say, it felt pretty darn good to be able to do so.
However....when I did finally did decide to get up {around 7:30}...I was absolutely surprised that Sam had taken a day of vacation.....just to spend with me on my special day!!, I already knew I had the BEST husband in the world, so why would it be a surprise for him to do something like that?

He showered  me with not just one B'day card, but 3 in was hiding in my make-up bag.   He had Breakfast waiting on me, along with a cup of coffee.   Sam took me to see my dad at the nursing home, then out to lunch!!   He also stopped at the bakery and bought a luscious looking "Italian cream cheese cake" so that we can share it with our friends this evening.  

Am I rotten??  I do believe that I am.

Last evening....our kiddos {and the BEST mother-in-law and the BEST father-in-law in the world} met Sam and I at 
Springcreek BBQ for dinner.   I got to be the center of attention by receiving some fabulous new Brighten sunshades, along with some cash!!  Woo hoo.   I was also treated to a nice, yummy cookie cake!!    

As I said earlier.....tonight, we will be eating with our friends and eating Birthday we put the finishing touches on the plans for our cruise, which is coming up in just a few weeks!!

Am I Blessed?  You bet I am!!!   It's not about all the extra goodies in Blessings come from having a husband that truly loves me....and from having family and friends who go out of their way to let me know how much they care!

Wishing you all a happy day!

{I still don't have a lot of knowledge about my New Apple computer {gift from Sam} so I'm posting from my old one today!  Hope to learn the other one soon}


  1. oh Sam is a keeper. My man is too of 54 years coming up in Sept 16th.

    Oh sweetie. That is a real wonderful Birthday to wake up too. He took work off. That is really awesome.

    We just went out for supper with our best friends Friday night. We laughed and ate. It was really a great night.

    It really does make you feel like a Princess when hubby is so affectionate and kind. And smothering you with gifts.

    Enjoy some more. Your worth it. You bet.

  2. I believe this is what God in mind when he created Adam and Eve. So glad your husband still remembers.

    Happy Birthday and give your hubby a hug from a woman who knows a good man when she sees one...and you have shown us one today.

    PS He probably has the best wife in the world...

  3. You deserve to be treated like a Princess.Have a fabulous day.

  4. Ooohhh, you got an Apple?! You will love it. I've had mine for 8 years and can count the number of times on one hand that I've had to reboot.

    Happy birthday to a special lady!! You are indeed blessed to have such a devoted, loving husband. Have fun with your friends tonight!

  5. Hi Shug!

    Happy Birthday!!! I think it's wonderful that you slept in, got spoiled and just had fun for your birthday . . . you deserve it!!


  6. Happy Birthday!!!

    Yep, Sam is a great guy!!

    Sounds like a wonderful way to spend
    YOUR special day!

    M : )

  7. Well I'm a day late (and most likely a dollar short) but Happy Birthday! - It sounds like you had a fabulous day. Wishing you many more great birthdays to come.

  8. Loved reading about your birthday... Your Sam is AWESOME --just like my George. We really get spoiled by our men, don't we???? BUT--I'm sure that both of us spoil them right back!!!!

    Do you have an Apple Store near you--maybe in Tyler? They have a 'Genius Bar' ---where you can sign up and take some classes on your new mac... I would suggest doing that if possible. Your kids 'can' help--but sometimes kids are not the best teachers for us adults (if you know what I mean)..

    I love my Mac---and wouldn't EVER go back to a windows computer... After you learn it, you will LOVE it... It's SO much easier.

    You asked about pictures. We take SO many pictures --so we are really organized with ours. Any picture that you put on the computer will be saved on your hard drive. We save them there and also on external drives. We use the Time Machine for automatic back-up---so when we go on trips, we carry our Time Machine External drive and our photo backup drives with us on trips (in case of a fire or something bad at home.

    Here's what I do for pictures: I keep folders on my desktop--marked to the pictures I am bringing in... I make a new folder (from Finder) --and label is Titons 8/25/15. Then I put my card into the computer, and it will appear on your desktop. Then I open the photos (from your card). Pick out the pictures you want and block them. After I block the ones I want on my computer, I open my new folder (blank) ---and drag the blocked photos into the new folder. That folder can remain on your desktop as long as you want it to. Right now ---I have folders from each day of our trip... I will leave the on my desktop as long as I am working with them. I use Photo Shop Elements for editing and working on photos --and I use Picasa for my watermark.

    Once I am finished with the folders ---and have moved on to another trip or event, I will put all of these folders inside another folder NAMED Titons/Yellowstone Trip 2015. I'll move that big folder (with all of the little ones) into my PICTURE file--which you can find in your Finder. I do not use the new Photo program on the mac since I like Photo Shop.... BUT---the new Photo program (iPhoto) can be used if you wish.

    I don't know if any of this will make sense --but ask any questions you need to ask. I'll try to explain. AND--check out some classes at the Apple Store.


  9. Happy Birthday sweet lady! I'm so glad you got some special treatment and had a fun birthday! I was just looking at that nice new fence and the turquoise gate...oh and the beautiful horses! And then I saw the crown and had to hop onto this post! I'm so glad you had a wonderful day! Sweet hugs, Diane


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