Wednesday, July 22, 2015

When we need fixing....

I'm going to admit this only once......I am guilty of taking tools out of Sam's Toolbox...and I (sometimes) do not put them back where they belong.   

It's not that I don't have my own tools....I do!  I own a Pink hammer.  I also own a tape measure, a screw driver, and a few nails.

I guess it would be safe to say.....{I just enjoy using Sam's tools}

Why would I ever need to use tools?  Well.....just like everyone else, when things break... or I need to do a little handy work, I use TOOLS to help make the job easier.

The rest of the tools are tucked away in a utility drawer.

Same way with Sam's tools.....his tools are in his huge tool box {unless, I have misplaced them} and he only gets them out when something needs to be fixed.

Do you know that we sometimes allow our relationship with God to be used like a TOOL BOX.   We reach out for God when our life breaks!  When we are broken, we search every part of God's toolbox, looking for a fix.   

Don't get me wrong..... God offers us all that we need and HE is able to meet every broken problem in our lives.   However, when the issues in our life are fixed.....we need to continue to seek Praise fellowship with HIM.

God desires for us to have an everlasting personal relationship with HIM, at all times!  May we never treat our relationship with God like a toolbox......ONLY REACHING FOR HIM WHEN WE NEED FIXING.  

May your day be filled with many Blessings.

Shug ~


  1. This is so true. I do a lot of 'thankful' prayers. I am so blessed and want to always acknowledge the source of all good and beautiful things, God! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. I was searching this morning (in my heart) for direction and I came upon your words. WOW! They were just what I needed! I know God intended for you to share and for me to receive.

    Thank You!

  3. What a lovely post Shug, and a wonderful comparison with the tools and our tendency to "reach out" when we need fixing.

  4. Great advice. All too often I tend to call out in panic to God when things are 'broken'.Don't get me wrong,I talk to Him daily but I know I am much more sincere when things don't go right.Thanks for being a blessing with your words.

  5. I will try again...I have a kitten that keeps jumping on my laptop and messing everything up! lol! I'll just say...great post!

  6. Amen and amen. Well said, Shug. blessings and hugs ~ tanna


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