Saturday, June 13, 2015

Round and Around.....

 Some of my little critter friends have been very active this morning....

This little fella is sporting a different coat of fur, from the rest of the squirrels in our yard.   I've never seen one this white before.

This sweet guy just finished eating a big pecan.....I guess it was time for a rest.   I honestly think that he is enjoying the cool temps on the old peddle car.   He was stretched out for a very long time.   

No fear here!   I was so close to this little rascal and he was not at all afraid.   

I certainly enjoy sitting out in my new yard swing......sipping my coffee.....and watching the squirrels chase each other....round and around the trees!   

Hope you all enjoy a wonderful Saturday...

Shug ~


  1. Hi Shug!

    I love squirrels! My husband thinks they are pesty, but I think they are cute! We usually have a few around, but this year, I haven't seen any. Your little squirrels are adorable - I especially like the little grey squirrel, maybe he's just prematurely grey . . . ;0)

    A yard swing sounds like such a wonderful place to enjoy your morning coffee, I hope you have a amazing week-end!


  2. They are very funny until they did
    up my plants! Not funny anymore. :(
    But I have found a safe solution to

    Love your header picture!

    M : )

  3. The light squirrel sure looks different.These critters can be quite entertaining.

  4. They are definitely born entertainers.

  5. I enjoy sitting in the yard watching the critters too. Some people despise the squirrels, but we think they're pretty funny. I feed them peanut butter sandwich pieces, and several come up to sit and eat with me. They don't share well! We're still getting rain. Everything is growing like crazy. You two look so happy in your header pic! Gosh I'd love to see the beach again!

  6. I love watching the squirrels, they are so cute. Pesky, but cute! I really like your and Sam's photo! Cute couple! Enjoy your evening, it's been rainy here and now the sun is out and hotter than a firecracker! lol!

  7. I don't see too many around our farm, though I know they are there! Love the white one!

  8. These rascals give me fits raiding the bird feeders. I'll send them over to you. :) They do let you get awfully close. Wonderful shots, Shug! I don't know why that one squirrel is so light. Maybe a young'un? Anyway, glad you are enjoying the great outdoors! Love the pics!


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