Sunday, May 31, 2015

Texas Sunshine.....

Oh wow Friends........I can not let this day go by without......PRAISING GOD.....

We have had beautiful sunshine today!  This is awesome......


My goal for the week is to get back into blogging on a daily basis....Blogging is something that I truly enjoy and I especially enjoy speaking with encouraging words.   

Sometimes....the journey of life can become overwhelming and in my takes me away from so many of the things that I enjoy doing.    

I'm ready to walk away from the overwhelming part....and get back to what makes me happy....   

So....with all of this being said......I guess I'll see you tomorrow!!



  1. I glorious day for sure!
    The sunshine was beautiful...wasn't it?
    Have a blessed week...looking forward to what you bring us...always enjoy your words.

  2. I look forward to reading each of your encouraging posts.Keep it up.

  3. Hi Shug~

    I'm so glad that the sun shone down on Texas today - God is good!

    I know how that goes, not being able to blog as often as you want to, it seems like I go through times when it's just not possible! I love reading your blog each day, so I'm looking forward to your return!

    So glad you are feeling sun on your face... B-)


  4. Sunshine here in the Hill Country today as well, and we might just get our concrete framed up and poured this week.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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