Thursday, January 22, 2015

Watering the Earth

Something that we RARELY see around here....This photo was taken a few years ago,, it makes for a great FENCE picture.  I'll be joining Good Fences today.


We are actually having a lot of rain today!!

"For just as the rain and the snow come down from Heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, yielding seed for the sower and bread for eating;  So will my message be that goes out my mouth; it won't return to me empty.  Instead, it will accomplish what I desire, and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."            Isaiah 55:10-11

Blessings Friends....
Shug ~


  1. Looks like a winter wonderland... and very cold.. Great fence shot. Happy Thursday!

  2. No matter how old this picture is, it is pretty and has a pretty load of snow in it, which I don't have here either :))
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. i bet that was the same winter i'm remembering where we got 10 inches of snow at once (almost unheard of for texas!) beautiful, though! thanks, shug! (and we're getting lots of rain, too.)

  4. Beautiful photos, Shug. And, I love that scripture. blessings ~ tanna

  5. beautiful! Looks like home,

  6. Great snow pics, but I love that blueberry muffin pic better! :-)

  7. The pics are so pretty but COLD looking. :)
    It snowed here a bit last night..melting fast but also will all freeze tonight.

  8. Hi, Shug...thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll join you when I finish this comment. Love the snow pictures. Reminds me of the snows in Illinois when I lived there. Now a Texas resident....lots of rain today.

  9. Wow, it is a beautiful snow filled fence! But for me, the star of the post is your delightful header! You really are the Queen of headers, and I so look forward to them! Each picture would be so great on it's own, but together they are a knockout! Have you decorated for Valentine's Day? I know you love RED! And I am having trouble finding things.

  10. We rarely see it either and I am glad. It does make for nice sights.

  11. Nice photos of the snowy fences!
    I think I like to look at snow in pictures these days, especially after our living in TX.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today.

    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  12. The snow was really clinging to the fence making a beautiful photo! It would be perfect for your Christmas card! Hugs!


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