Saturday, December 13, 2014

I'm awake!

Good Early Morning....It is now 2:30 A.M. and I am wide awake.

Reason why?  I haven't a clue!


1.  I'm waiting on Santa Claus!
2.  The gifts are not wrapped...
3.  Thinking of my dad, who is 
    still in the hospital.
4.  Anticipating the next few 
5.  My foot/knee is aching....
6.  Wishing I could do more for
    those in need.
7.  Acid Reflux!!!!!!!
8.  Waiting on the snow!!! lol.
9.  Family and Friends on my mind.
10. Waiting on God to speak to 
    my heart.

Perhaps, it's all of these things that are keeping me awake! 

Do you ever have nights like this?

Oh well...I can grab a few winks later, if I'm tired. is so very Peaceful at night....when you are the only one awake in the house.   All is quite!

I might could get use to this!!



  1. Most of my nights are like this!

  2. The older I get, the more nights I have like that. One reason is acid reflux. I was up late last night and read a few blogs but I didn't try to comment. I saw the last post about your tour and enjoyed it very much! You did a great job with all that decorating! My decorating this year will be just minimal as I've just not got the energy to get all that stuff out like I usually do. So I'm really enjoying seeing all the pretties around blogland!
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. I have the occasional night like that,but ,praise God I mostly sleep very well.

  4. So sorry, Shug. Yes, I have laid awake till six or so many nights. Things will just go around and around in my head and I cannot shut it off. My pastor told us what he does when this happens. Use this time to pray...before you know it you will be asleep!!

  5. I do this about every 5 or 6 nights. It is quiet in the night, and that is nice, but it really throws me off to stay up for so long before the next sleep and I am sure it is not healthy. A couple of months ago my sleeplessness was so bad I had dark circles around my eyes..that was awful. I have GERD, too, but take omneprazole every day and it almost completely keeps it at bay.


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