Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Day.....

Today, I attended the funeral for the husband, of one of my very dear friends.  Her husband's death was unexpected and I'm not sure that reality has really set in for her.      

You know....we all are aware that death comes as it is a part of living.  If you live, you die!  We have a lifetime to prepare....yet none of us are really mentally prepared for the day.   

My heart is very heavy for my precious friend.  Big Hugs to you MA...I love you! 


I spent my morning..cleaning out my humongous closet!!  Great gads...it's a chore to re-organize and put up the Summer clothes!  I'm almost done!!

The "Christmas Tour of Homes" is on December 8th....and as crazy as it sounds...it's important for me to know that my closets are just as clean as the rest of my house!!

Who knows....someone might decide to take a sneak peak in my closet and I would hate for it to be a mess...

I am beginning to get excited about this event.....{Did I really just say that?}

REALLY....I've been working on so many projects for the tour.  Most of the decorations in our home....are all homemade.

My Florist days have really come in handy!! Making bows...making arrangements....doing crafts....these things come easy for me and it really helps with the cost!!

The Best thing of all is that our home is decorated with much love!  I'm not a fancy kind of decorator...it's just not me.  I prefer the more rustic and unique look. 

I love picking up something out of the garage, and making my own style!!  

I'm itching to show you all some of my photos...however, I have several friends who read my blog and I don't want to spoil the "Tour" for them.  


Are you all prepared for the COLD weather?  I AM!!  I'm excited about waking up in the morning to temps in the 30's!!   

Stay warm and eat lots of good ol' comfort food!!







  1. My heart goes out to your friend.Saying a final earthly good-bye,is just so hard. There are no words to describe it.I trust that she will allow God to carry her through this. On a happier note,I can't wait to see the pictures of your decorated home.I'm sure it's warm and inviting,to say the least.

  2. I can hardly wait to see your pictures!! I know they will be awesome, like out of Better Homes & Gardens. How long does it last, do people tour your house for a weekend, and take pictures? Love your antique store header!

  3. Your home is going to be the prettiest one on the tour. You are so creative, with such a great eye for placement and colors.

    So sorry to hear about your friend losing her husband. She has a good friend to help her through. God bless her.

  4. Prayers for your friend and her
    Sounds like things are clicking
    right along for the tour. Can't
    wait for the pics.
    We did not get out of the 20's

    M : )

  5. My condolances to your friend on the loss of her husband. Death is never easy no matter if you expect it or not. - Have fun with your decorating. I will look forward to see your festive decorations. I love Christmas.


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