Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Must Listen....

Dear Shug......

Did you pay close attention to your devotion this morning?  Did you hear what the Lord was saying?  

"Stop worrying, and listen carefully for MY voice.  But remember that I speak softly.  If your own thoughts are too noisy, you will not hear me."


Here we go again......It has been a while since you've heard me talk about my dad.   We have had someone sitting with him and it has worked out great....until now.    What a tremendous Blessing it has been, in knowing that he was happy and he has been well taken care of.   

But the time has come......and we must now move him to a nursing facility.    However, it is not going to be easy!!
Dad is so strong willed and he is determined that he WILL NOT move from his home!!!

So strange how most of the time, now days.....he is searching everywhere for my mom who died 9 years ago.   He lives in a world that once was.......but yet, his mind is clear when it comes to understanding what a Nursing Facility is.

This is the third time that we have attempted to move him.....and I can honestly tell you, it is almost as if some kind of force is fighting against us.   Not necessarily my dad.....but the last two times....the nursing home has not had it together. 

I have spent the last two days, taking care of all the details of placing dad in the NH.   Everything was set, or so I thought.
I was to have him there this morning at 10:00.   

At 5:00 yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call to inform me otherwise.    I must now make an appointment with his family Doctor in order for him to have a physical.   His last physical was just 3 months ago!   Oh.....and by the way, I was informed that they will not save his room. 

I feel that this is something that they could have told me about, two days ago.   

The time before, my brother and I showed up at the scheduled time with our dad and his belongings, and then was informed that his room was not ready....   What?  You scheduled us to be here at a certain time....with an Alzheimer's  patient....and you have no place for him!!!!! Argh! mind has been on overload this week and I have been trying to work all of this out, on my own.   I've been praying for the perfect answer......but I have not been still enough to listen!!

How can I possibly hear God, above all the confusion in my head?  I can't!!  I must quite my busy mind so that I can clearly hear what God is so softly whispering.   I need to sit in His presence and let His thoughts become my thoughts!!!

God has the answer......and I must listen to His voice!

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."
                                                      Exodus 14:14

Sweet Blessings dear friends..

shug ~



  1. Not so sure the NH is where God is leading you right now. I will keep you in prayer.

  2. This is ,no doubt,a very difficult time for you. I pray that it will all work out and that Dad will feel at home in his new place when he gets there.

  3. Oh Shug, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I had to do the same thing with my grandmother. I will start praying for you TODAY!! God knows what he wants for your dad, and I will pray that he lets you know in a very clear way. Blessings to you, sweet Shug.

  4. Sorry to hear that you are struggling right now. This is
    a real hard thing to do and
    your mind will be busy--try to
    find some quiet and wait.

    Good Luck with this.

    M :)

  5. Shug--
    I certainly have no way of know what God wants for you, your dad and your family.
    But I do know that all His ways are perfect. I'll be praying for perfect peace and that He will guard your heart and your mind.
    Be still and Know God.


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