Friday, August 29, 2014

Thank you Lord for the sweet rain this morning!!  I do believe that all nature around me, is singing Praises, for this refreshing drink!

As I drink my coffee this morning, I am listening to the "Today" show.  I just want to say.....are you kidding me?   The money woes of the rich and famous are simply ridiculous.   

Enormous sums of money spent on divorces.....!
REALLY!!      We are talking $,$$$,$$$,$$$.00

My rant for the now over!!


~~......I want to officially make it known that "I am not a painter!"  Painting projects in the home, are not for me!!

As most of you know, last week, I had a guy come and paint a couple of rooms in our home.   Well....painting is not cheap, so I decided that I could paint the bathroom myself, and save some money!!    

On Tuesday morning....I started this lovely project.   Yesterday, I called the same guy (who painted the other two rooms) to come FINISH my project!   It's horrible and I can only hope, that he can clean up my mess!!

What was I thinking??

Hoping you all have a safe and exciting Labor Day Weekend!!



  1. Your talents lay in other areas, my dear! And you have an abundance of them. I just finished a Starbucks Mocha Cappacino...darn I misspelled and the spell checker thinks I want to type Al Pacino!! Wish we could have had the coffee together!

  2. Hi There, I was reading your blog post from yesterday --talking about the kids all going back to school. Those passages of time in our lives are HARD --but life does go on, and you (and the grans) will all do fine. I cannot believe that mine grew up so fast --and as a single Mom, it was HARD when they were all gone... Just enjoy them as long as possible. Life goes on!!!

    PAINTING is one thing we did ONE TIME. I will never ever do it again. I will pay the big bucks to get it done.... BUT--it's just something which is not my talent. Good Luck to you.


  3. I'm with you on the painting. Hire someone to do it and get it done right.That's my way of thinking.

  4. I hear you with the painting, I tried that once, never again. Love your header, you always have good pics! Have a fun safe Labor Day weekend!


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