Monday, July 14, 2014

I Think I'm Getting Lazy!

I do believe that I am getting LAZY!  Maybe this is what I'm suppose to do....after all, it is Summer!

Our road trip which began this past Saturday morning, led us to San Marcos, Texas!  A place that I love to go.  But.....not before spending some time at a beautiful resort that was packed with all kinds of adventure.  Sam and I ended up spending several hours out by the pool and we enjoyed a relaxing sunset dinner.....outdoors!!

Sam has a business convention in the beautiful city of San Marcos..... and I just trailed along.   He actually needed his voice is still not up to par.   This means that I get to talk a lot.   I don't see this as being a problem!!

After a busy morning.....I decided to take a break, out by the pool.  I soaked up a few sun rays and listened to one of my new favorite singers......Adam Fears!!  For those that do not know, Adam is the son of Vickie over at "Sand Flat Farm."

Vickie is a precious blogging friend.....stop over and give her a visit..

I'm guessing that Life will be back to normal when we have to travel home on Wednesday.   In the mean time.....I'm gonna do a lot of resting!!

Blessings Y'all....
shug ~


  1. you enjoy that holiday, sounds wonderful, I will check out the singer and his mama!!

  2. Good idea! Away from home is the only place to totally rest! No cooking or dishes or laundry...

  3. It does the heart and soul good to get out and go places! Have fun! I'm off to visit a new blog! Thanks! Hugs, Diane

  4. Have a safe trip home, but enjoy your time away awhile you can! I used to visit Vicki's blog but lost track of her, thanks for the reminder. Have a great day!

  5. Hi Shug - just saw this post! Thanks for the "props", friend! I've been so out of touch this last year, I don't know if anyone remembers me or not that's not on FB! I'm trying to get back in the swing of blogging. Wish me luck!

  6. Enjoy yourself! The trip sounds delightful. A little sun, a lot of talking and wonderful music. I will go check out your friend's blog now. :)


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