Friday, April 4, 2014

How Cool Is This??

It's Friday dear friends.....can you believe it!!    Do you have big plans for the weekend!!!  I have sooooo much that I want to get done.

For starters, I need....I want.... to get my yard all prettied up!
Our neighbor across the street has worked all week on her flowerbeds and on decorating the outside of their home for Spring!  I haven't done a thing!!!

Check out this picture......I came across it the other day and my thoughts were:  "How cool is this?"

Can you imagine?  It must take this guy weeks to get all of those precious eggs on the tree.    I would really love to do this!! about this chicken.....It would look great out in the field....   I wanted to buy it last weekend, but I didn't have a way to get it home!!

I really do plan to work in the yard and I only hope that I can come up with a new look!!    I like the unusual kind of stuff.......imagine that!!

The weather man is saying rain......   We do need rain, but I'd really like to get the yard done first!!  Oh well.....whatever!

I'll get it done......Sooner or later!!

Have a great weekend......


  1. I need to weed the beds desperately, but the rain has already started and is projected to continue throughout the weekend. :(

    That tree with all the eggs is awesome! He sure picked a big tree to decorate didn't he? Impressive.

  2. Love that chicken! How cool would that be! That tree is incredible, beautiful, and I wonder if he decorates it for Christmas. Hope you get your yard work done! Very chilly windy rainy and no yard work here yet, but we're just starting to see a little green grass, and not much snow! Have a super weekend!

  3. Rain or sun,I'm sure you will find a way to make it fun. I need you around my place to give some direction to my yard. Guess i'm not that great at making it look special. Oh well. Have a great weekend my friend.

  4. the eggs on that tree, wowsa, thats a job and a half!!!!Have a great week end, no yard work here, we would have to dig three feet of snow to fin the yard!!!!!

  5. I love unusual yard ornaments, too! LOVE the giant rooster!!! We have one similar but smaller, and it fit in the car to take home. We drove past a house with a really cool big rooster out front. We stopped and knocked at the door to ask where they bought it. And they sold it to us for $10.00!!!

  6. Oh, I forgot!!! This is the biggest Easter tree I have ever seen!!! And so many eggs, it is dense with them! Your picture is just perfect, showing the man in blue gives us a perspective of how huge the tree really is! Was this a private home or a business?

  7. I love the unusual too...and I flipped when I saw that chicken...I can just hear the breaks squeal if he were in my pumpkin patch in our field...and I'd love that steer skull on my barn with the wagon wheels for a and I need to walk and buy out a few flea markets...we'd have a blast!, to get to TX.
    I'd love to be cleaning up my yard this weekend but the predicted 16 inches of snow we are getting won't have it! Maybe next weekend!

  8. Hi Shug!! That is so amazing! I would love to see it in person!

    Cute Spring decorations, I too can't wait to get outside and start working in my yard - one day at a time!!

    Have a wonderful week-end!


  9. Whoops...we had snow (3 and 1/2 inches of it)last night/this morning, so no yard clean up going on around

    Good luck on yours and would love to see it when it's done!

    Kids are coming for the week and I can't hardly wait!!! Yeah!!!


  10. Oh I love that chicken..anything country out loud is what strikes my fancy. The egg tree...all I can think is how much work it will be to get all those eggs down after Easter! LOL!

  11. That's the Granddaddy of all egg trees for sure! My goodness!

    I'm not into yard ornaments but they are sold all over the place around here.

    Happy weekend!


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