Tuesday, April 29, 2014



This is what pirates say....right?

I have no idea if Argh is suppose to be a good thing, or a sigh of anger.....In my case, argh is a word I use when I'm frustrated!!

I'm not sure as to what all might be packed into one of these here "Pirate Doctor Kit's" but what I do know is if it worked a little bit, then that would be more than what the real Dr's kit has worked last week and this week....

So, Tori was home sick last week......and guess what?   She is been home again this week.....SICK!

I took her to the Dr. last week, and......wouldn't you know it.....Her Doctor was OUT for the day.   We had to see another Dr.  who basically did nothing to help this child.    Oh wait, she did advise us to give Tori sudafed in order to help get rid of this "bug" she has had.  

Sudafed wasn't working and Tori felt bad....all weekend long.    What we did discover when Trista took her back to the Dr. on Monday is that Tori should have never been taking sudafed to start with.    Sudafed, mixed with another medication that Tori has to take.....can cause high blood pressure!!!!

Tori's pediatrician diagnosed her on Monday with a severe sinus infection and she started her on a antibiotic......

Monday night, Tori was up all most all night with a throbbing ear ache.   We called the Dr. again on Tuesday and guess what?  Tori's Dr. was out again.   Had to see yet another Dr.  

After checking her ears, this Dr. discovered that Tori's ear drum had burst!!!  Yep.......she had blood in her ear and every sound was echoing.  She is now on an ear drop and two other medications.   

Ear drops......without a coupon $150.00.....
Just so happens that our pharmacist was able to supply us with a coupon which reduced the price.    

Here's the part that got me.....to start with, Trista had to pay three different co-pays....a total of $90.00.....     This could have all been taken care of in one visit if...... at the  first appointment, she had been properly diagnosed and given the medication that she needed...

Second of all....the nurse made the comment to me that we were not giving this enough time for the antibiotic to start working....

Now, you all know that I am a smooth sailor....however, this made my blood pressure rise.   I did....in a very polite way inform this nurse that I thought a kid having to miss two weeks of school was plenty enough time.   I also told her that when a kid is up all night....crying with an ear ache.....then time doesn't matter.....

What matters is that she gets the proper care that she deserves.....

Wow.....OK.....my rant is over and yes, I do feel better.   I knew that YOU, my friends would understand my being unhappy!!

Pray that the meds quickly go to work and that Tori feels better soon!!


Hugs Y'all....
shug !


  1. This is awful, and I would rant at the doctor who gave her the wrong medicine, too! Maybe her doctor is now part time? What will be the long term consequences of a punctured ear drum? Will it heal up? I am so sorry!

  2. I got so mad and so rattled reading your story that I forgot to ask about the pirate cupcake, it is really good. Did you make it? Even the small details are perfect.

  3. I pray that Tori heals quickly, she has been sick too long, and that Shug remains a smooth sailor.

  4. Our crazy healthcare system (with that crazy Obamacare now) is just going to get worse and worse and worse for ALL of us...Kind scary!

    Bless Tori's heart. Hope she feels better soon.

  5. I tend to agree with Betsy's comment on the state of our healthcare. That Obamacare word caught my eye!
    I would have given the doctors/nurses an earful, I'm afraid. It was ridiculous to not get to the bottom of this sooner. Poor girl, hope she's better soon. I'll say a prayer for her!

  6. What a horrible experience! I hope this isn't indicative of the type of medical care we can all expect now with the health care changes. I can understand your frustration AND blood pressure elevation. It takes THREE doctors now to make a proper diagnosis? Poor Tori! I hope she is feeling better very soon. Saying a little prayer for your sweet little grandgirl.

  7. I do hope that this all ends soon. Having a sick child is not good.

  8. Oh, that poor girl! I'm so frustrated along with you. That's exactly why it's called a 'practice.' It sure isn't a profession when it takes 3?doctors to diagnose a child with a sinus infection? That's just crazy and irresponsible. My prayers for Tori's regained health. I've punctured an eardrum 20 yrs. ago and I still get easy earaches in that ear. My heart goes out to Tori...and of course, many prayers.


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